9 Live Notices for 泌尿科医生服务招标
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Accreditation To Provide Medical Services For Elective Care In The Specialties Of: Cardiologist And Cardiological Exams, Ophthalmologist And Ophthalmological Exams, Otorhinolaryngologist, Urologist, Vascular, Gynecologist And Gynecological Exams, And Assistant Physician In Surgery, As Well As Endoscopy And Colonoscopy Exams In The Municipality Of Panambi.
Omar Jose Mendez Rondon
Accreditation For The Provision Of Services By Individuals And/Or Legal Entities, Including The Specialties Of Pediatrician, Cardiologist; Psychiatrist; Gynecologist/Obstetrician; Orthopedic Doctor; General Surgeon; Ultrasonographer; Anesthesiologist; 40-Hour General Practitioner; On-Call Clinician On 24-Hour Calls; On-Call Clinician On 24-Hour Calls On Weekends; Speech Therapist; Angiologist; Urologist; Neuropediatrics Doctor; Cardiologist; Oncologist; Neurologist; Enterologist; Nutritionist; Physiotherapist; Social Worker; Psychologist; Physical Educator; Dentist; Nurse On 12-Hour Calls; Nurse; Pharmacists And Biochemists To Meet The Needs Of The Municipal Health Department, In Accordance With The Provisions Of The Federal Constitution, Federal Law No. 14,133/2021, Art. 79, Item Ii. Documentation For Accreditation Must Be Delivered To The Headquarters Of The Health Department, Travessa Joaquim Pessoa, S/N, Centro - Cep 45,780-000 - Itarantim- Ba
Care Guarantee Agreement Urology
Provision Of Specialized Medical Services In Diagnostic Support Exams And Procedures: 1 Consultation With A Surgeon, 2 Consultation With A Mastologist, 3 Mammography Exams, 4 Breast Aspiration Puncture Exams, 5 Consultation With A Urologist,. *
Accreditation For The Provision Of Services By Individuals And/Or Legal Entities, Including The Specialties Of Pediatrician And Cardiologist; Psychiatric Doctor; Gynecologist/Obstetrician; Orthopedist Doctor; Radiologist Doctor; Ultrasound Doctor; Urologist; General Practitioner 40H; Clinician On Duty 24 Hours; Clinician On Duty 24 Hours On Weekends And Holidays; Clinician On Duty 12-Hour Shift; Nutritionist; Physiotherapist; Social Worker; Psychologist; Physical Educator; Dentist; Nurse 12-Hour Shift; Nurse 40H; Pharmacists; Biochemical And Ultrasound Exams To Meet The Needs Of The Municipal Health Department, In Accordance With The Dictates Of The Federal Constitution, Federal Law Nº. 14,133/21 And Its Amendments, Specifically In Its Article 6, "Caput", As Well As Federal Law No. 8080/90, Articles
Urologist Service
Pablo Ernesto Rianno Plazas
Omar Jose Mendez Rondon