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Remotely Operated Vehicle Bids and RFPs

Remotely Operated Vehicle Bids and RFPs

Latest Remotely Operated Vehicle RFPs, bids and solicitations. Bid on readily available Remotely Operated Vehicle contracts with the best and most comprehensive government procurement platform, since 2002.

Bidding for Remotely Operated Vehicle RFPs is extremely lucrative for companies of all sizes. Tendering authorities and private companies release thousands of contracts worth millions for procurement of Remotely Operated Vehicle.

Global Tenders stands out as the largest platform dedicated to bids and government contracts. Boasting over 20 years of experience in the tender business, GlobalTenders offers the most extensive and reliable Bids/Contracts/Solicitations Database available. The platform aggregates contracts from both public and private sources, connecting with a vast network of over half a million buyers. Employing advanced artificial intelligence, our meticulous process involves gathering information from over a hundred thousand sources. The data is then intelligently categorized into thousands of subcategories for easy filtering and presenting it in a user-friendly format for quick comprehension.

In addition to bid information, we offer in-depth Remotely Operated Vehicle market research, procurement analysis, historical archives, bid consultancy services, and insights into top bidders and winners.

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19 Live Notices for Remotely Operated Vehicle Bids and RFPs

Showing 1 to 19

Rov Submarine With Camera
country Iceland
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline02 Oct 2024
Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (Rov) As A Carrier Platform For Sensors
country Germany
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline11 Oct 2024
Cefas Research Vessel. Infrastructure To Support Future Delivery At Sea
country United Kingdom
posting date10 Sep 2024
deadline09 Sep 2025
Cefas Research Vessel. Infrastructure To Support Future Delivery At Sea
country United Kingdom
posting date10 Sep 2024
deadline09 Sep 2025
File 220 - Adjustment Of Spare Parts Stocks For Rovs Supplied To The Gos
country Italy
posting date10 Sep 2024
deadline16 Sep 2024
Multi-Year Maintenance Lmw 2030
country Netherlands
posting date02 Sep 2024
deadline17 Sep 2024
Multi-Year Maintenance Lmw 2030
country Netherlands
posting date02 Sep 2024
deadline15 Sep 2024
ROV submarine with camera
country Iceland
posting date30 Aug 2024
deadline02 Oct 2024
Invitation To Pre-Qualification - Remotely Operated Forklift
country Norway
posting date28 Aug 2024
deadline30 Sep 2024
Renting Rov & Suspended Well Survey Vessel Services For Lot 16-1/15 In 2024. (Bid Package 32-Dv-2588/24-Vtb)
country Vietnam
posting date09 Aug 2024
deadline09 Aug 2025
Bidding For The Purchase Of A Wired Underwater Spatial Survey Vehicle (Underwater Rov) By Means Of Electronic Bidding.
country Thailand
posting date19 Jun 2024
deadline18 Jun 2025
Procurement Of Underwater Remotely-Operated Vehicle (Rov) , Information Technology ,Department Of Environment And Natural Resources - Region Iii
country Philippines
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline24 Sep 2024
Goods-2024-11 Supply And Door-To-Door Delivery Of Supplementary Learning Resources (Slrs) To 16 Library Hubs In Deped Region V , Books, Maps And Other Publications ,Department Of Education Regional Office V - Legazpi City, Albay
country Philippines
posting date14 Sep 2024
deadline07 Oct 2024
Procurement Of Supply And Delivery Of Packed Meals And Catering Service For 2024-Q3 Regional Conference And Open House Of The Bureau Of The Treasury – Region V , Catering Services ,Bureau Of Treasury - Region V
country Philippines
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline17 Sep 2024
Procurement Of Underwater Drone , Security Surveillance And Detection Equipment ,Department Of Environment And Natural Resources - Region Ix
country Philippines
posting date10 Sep 2024
deadline04 Oct 2024
Procurement Of Drones And Accessories For Denr Region 2 (3 Lots) , Office Equipment ,Department Of Environment And Natural Resources - Region Ii
country Philippines
posting date27 Aug 2024
deadline16 Sep 2024
Underwater Videographyinspection By Rov Of Bucket Area Stilling Basin At Rajghat Dam
country India
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline23 Sep 2024
Proposed Under Water Inspection With Rov For Bridge No.543 At Km. 186/14-15 Between Koraput - Suku Stations Under The Ju.
country India
posting date10 Sep 2024
deadline03 Oct 2024
Under Water Inspection Using Submersible Remotely Operated Robotic Vehicle (Rorv) For Bridge No.33/3 (Tna-Dw), 40/1 (Tna-Va), 33/3 (Tna-Va), 111/2 (Pen-Thal), 68/2 (Pnvl-Pen), 51/2 (Dw-Bsr), &Amp 25/1 (Mnkd-Bepr) In Mumbai Division.
country India
posting date30 Aug 2024
deadline30 Sep 2024

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