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Security Risk Assessment Bids and RFPs

Security Risk Assessment Bids and RFPs

Latest Security Risk Assessment RFPs, bids and solicitations. Bid on readily available Security Risk Assessment contracts with the best and most comprehensive government procurement platform, since 2002.

Bidding for Security Risk Assessment RFPs is extremely lucrative for companies of all sizes. Tendering authorities and private companies release thousands of contracts worth millions for procurement of Security Risk Assessment.

Global Tenders stands out as the largest platform dedicated to bids and government contracts. Boasting over 20 years of experience in the tender business, GlobalTenders offers the most extensive and reliable Bids/Contracts/Solicitations Database available. The platform aggregates contracts from both public and private sources, connecting with a vast network of over half a million buyers. Employing advanced artificial intelligence, our meticulous process involves gathering information from over a hundred thousand sources. The data is then intelligently categorized into thousands of subcategories for easy filtering and presenting it in a user-friendly format for quick comprehension.

In addition to bid information, we offer in-depth Security Risk Assessment market research, procurement analysis, historical archives, bid consultancy services, and insights into top bidders and winners.

Sign up now to get instant access to unlimited Security Risk Assessment rfps, advanced search filters, market analysis, industry trends, bid training and 24/7 customer support.

23 Live Notices for Security Risk Assessment Bids and RFPs

Showing 1 to 20

Construction Supervision Consultants (Csc) 35.05.0000.312.34.001.22-3788 (Original Notice Memo: 35.05.0000.312.34.001.22- 3713; Date:28/07/2024)
country Bangladesh
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline16 Oct 2024
Support System
country Norway
posting date03 Sep 2024
deadline04 Oct 2024
Support System
country Norway
posting date03 Sep 2024
deadline04 Oct 2024
Ipr#12400348-Rta Security Risk Assessment Automation
country United Arab Emirates
posting date03 Sep 2024
deadline16 Sep 2024
Consulting Services - Information Security
country Norway
posting date28 Aug 2024
deadline25 Jun 2025
Separation Of Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Network And Domain Reducing Corporate Dependency
country United Kingdom
posting date27 Aug 2024
deadline19 Sep 2024
Separation Of Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Network And Domain
country United Kingdom
posting date27 Aug 2024
deadline19 Sep 2024
Procurement Cluster: Enablers For Safe Integration Of Military Air Capabilities In The European Sky
country Belgium
posting date23 Aug 2024
deadline02 Oct 2024
Separation Of Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Network And Domain Reducing Corporate Dependency
country United Kingdom
posting date21 Aug 2024
deadline19 Sep 2024
Separation Of Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Network And Domain
country United Kingdom
posting date21 Aug 2024
deadline19 Sep 2024
Separation Of Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Network And Domain Reducing Corporate Dependency
country United Kingdom
posting date21 Aug 2024
deadline19 Sep 2024
Separation Of Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Network And Domain
country United Kingdom
posting date21 Aug 2024
deadline19 Sep 2024
Rfp-1616-24 - Integrated Business Resiliency Planning Software Solution
country Canada
posting date21 Aug 2024
deadline27 Sep 2024
Provision Of Security Risk Assessment Services To The City Of Cape Town
country South Africa
posting date16 Aug 2024
deadline16 Sep 2024
Background Check - Nhn
country Norway
posting date09 Aug 2024
deadline16 Sep 2024
Background Check - Nhn
country Norway
posting date09 Aug 2024
deadline16 Sep 2024
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Geological Disaster Risk Early Warning System Commercial Cryptographic Application Security Assessment And Network Security Level Protection Assessment Service Project.
country China
posting date27 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jun 2025
Leasing Of 99 Vehicles: 1 Type A1 Psychiatric Ambulance, 52 Type B Basic Life Support Ambulances, 28 Type C Advanced Life Support Ambulances And 18 Rapid Intervention Vehicles (Vir), Destined For The Samur Civil Protection Service.
country Spain
posting date31 May 2024
deadline30 May 2025
Hseq System
country Finland
posting date16 Apr 2024
deadline16 Apr 2025
Consulting Services - Information Security
country Norway
posting date28 Jun 2021
deadline25 Jun 2025

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