Latest Russia Railways tenders. Discover new opportunities for Railways tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Russia.
The Russia railways market is the largest in the world, with a total network length of 123,397 kilometers, of which 85,542 kilometers are electrified. The majority of the network is owned and operated by Russian Railways (RZD), the state-owned railway company.
The Russian government procures a wide range of railway products and services, including locomotives, rolling stock, signaling systems, track maintenance equipment, and consulting services. The total value of the Russia railways government procurement market is estimated to be around RUB 1 trillion per year.
The following are some of the main railways products and services procured by the Russian government:
Rolling stock
Signaling systems
Track maintenance equipment
Consulting services
The following are some of the top authorities for Russia railways procurement:
Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Mintrans)
Russian Railways (RZD)
Federal Agency for Railway Transport (Roszheldor)
The following are some of the top winners of Russia railways procurement contracts in recent years:
Sinara Group
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