35 Live Notices for Rwanda Food and Beverages Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Request For Quotations (Rfq) For The Provision Of Taxi Services For Usda Food For Progress Rwanda
Public Tender For Provision Of Cuttings Vim Of Orange Sweet Potatoes In Rukozo And Ntarabana Sectors Of Rulindo District
Tender For Acquisition Of Coffee And Cappuccino Machine
Supply of durable and non-durable food, firewood will be needed in the second and third quarters of 2024-2025
Supply of Construction market, food, fuel (wood), office equipment, cleaning and school supplies
Tender Notice Supply Of Food Items And Basic Hygienic Materials On A Frame Work Contract
Supply of Food Items and Basic Hygienic Materials on a Frame Work Contract
Supply of food products for hospitalized patients
Supply of student food and supplies for the second semester, 2024-2025
Supply of durable and non-durable food for students in the second semester, academic year 2024-2025
Milk Provided To 3-6 Years Children Attending Ecd Services For Malnutrition Prevention Through One Cup Of Milk Per Child (Re-Advertised)
Terms Of Reference (Tor) For Assessing The Needs Of Cooperatives In Coffee, Tea, And Horticulture Value Chains
supply of food, hygiene and office equipment, etc. for the second quarter of the 2024-2025 school year
procurement of Market for delivery of food, office supplies and cleaning products
supply of food, teaching materials for the second semester, academic year 2024-2025
Supply of food, school supplies, teacher's supplies in the Building construction department, second semester, school year 2024-2025
Re-Launch Tender: Supply, Installation And Connecting Ras Tilapia Hatchery System For University Of Rwanda – Fish Farming And Research Station (Ur-Ffrs)”- Rwa20001-10037
Supply of food, for the second quarter of 2024-2025 for the 2024-2025 school year at the TTC RUBENGERA secondary school.
Delivery market for food, wood, office supplies and cleaning supplies