504 Live Notices for SAARC Copper Products Tenders
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Procurement Of 132Kv Jointing Kits For 800 Sq-Mm Xlpe Copper Cable
Procurement Of (1) Headlight Switch = 10 Nos, (2) Push Button Switch (Start & Stop) = 20 Nos, (3) Gf Switch = 20 Nos, (4) Fuse (15A) With Holder = 10 Nos, (5) Cab-Light Assembly = 10 Nos, (6) Copper Pipe With Nipple = 50 Nos, And (7) Trr Panel = 10 Nos.
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Each sterile pack should contain a\n"T"shaped Copper IUD with\nthreads'insertion tube, a movable flange\nand plunger ( insertion rod)\nThe dimensions and requirements for the\nfinished product should conform to the\nspecifications of The Population Council,\nNew York or comply with ISO 7439:2002\nor current version.\nThe IUD should be manufactured from\napproved raw material of US/European\norigin.\nThe "T" Shaped plastic frame should have\napproximately 176 mg copper wire on its\nvertical arm. In addition ,a copper sleeve\ncontaining apprximately 66.5 mg\ncopper should be on each horizontal\narm.Total surface area of Copper on the\ndevice should be 380mm2\nThe thread should be made of good quality\nmaterial. The thread knot at the\nbottom end of the IUD should be secure\nand not promote breakage under normal\nuse.\nThe insertion rod should snugly fit ( not fall\nout spontaneously) but slide smoothly\nwithin the insertion tube and should not\ntrap the thread.\nThe movable flange ( depth -gauge) should\nbe of blue colour and should be easily\nadjestable ( not too tight)\nThe IUD should be stable under nomal\nroom temperature (30C-35C) and humidity\n(75% 100%) prevaling in Sri Lanka.\nThe IUD pack should not be easily\ndamaged by heat, sunlight, water,\nmoisture, mechanical shocks and insects.\nThe expiry date should not be less than 7\nyears from the date of manufacture. etc .
Supply And Delivery Of Super Enameled Copper Wire And Paper Insulated Copper Strips
Supply &Amp; Delivery Of Super Enameled Copper Wires &Amp; Paper Insulation Copper Strips
Procurement of Raw Materials for Manufacturing of Telecomm. Copper Cables / Optical Fiber Cables / HDPE Duct / Electrical Overhead Conductor.
Copper Catenary Wire
Thin Walled E-Beam Irradiated ,Single Core Cable With Copper Conductor 3000V,2.5 Sq.Mm
Copper Crimping Socket For 6 Sq Mm Cable
Jointless Grooved Copper Contact Wire 107 Sq.Mm. Made Out Of Continous Castcopper Wire Rods As Rdso Spec.Ti/Spc/Ohe/Cw/0.
Outdoor Unit For Walking Cooler , 9.5Mm Dia Insulation Ofnitrile Rubber , 12.7 Mm Dia Insulation Of Nitrile Rubber ,Copper Flexible Cable , Heavy Duty Outdoor Stand Withcompete Set Quantity: 183
Pvc Aluminium Cable 1 Core And Multi Core Circularsheathed Cable With Rigid Conductor As Per Is 694 (Q3) ,Pvc Insulated Copper Cable Single And Multi - Core Circularsheathed Cable With Flexible Conductor (V2) As Per Is 694(Q2) Quantity: 215
Polyester Enamelled Copper Wire Se Swg17-1.422 Mm ,Polyester Enamelled Copper Wire Se Swg19-1.016 Mm ,Polyester Enamelled Copper Wire Se Swg21-0.813 Mm Quantity: 449
Stainless Steel Shelf Rack (Q3) , Bathroom Or Toilet Mirror(V2) (Q4) , Sinks (Q3) , Flushing Cistern (Q3) , Copper Alloyfancy Taps For Bathroom As Per Is 8931 (Latest) (Q3) , Sinks/ Wash Basins - Vitreous China As Per Is 2556 (Part 4) (Q3) ,Plastics Bib Taps Pillar Taps Angle Valves And Stop Valves Asper Is 9763:2000 (Latest) (Q3) , Soap Dish - Case (Q4) ,Water Fittings - Copper Alloy Float Valves (Horizontalplunger Type) As Per Is: 1703 (Q4) , Bathroom Watershower (Q3) , Toilet Seat Covers (V2) (Q4) , Connection Pipewith Nuts (V2) (Q3) , Waste Pipe (Q3) , Floor Drain Traps(Q3) , Waste Fittings For Washbasin And Sinks As Per Is 2963(Q3) , Towel Rail / Ring For Bathroom (Q3) Quantity: 362
Copper Long Tube For Air Blast Circuit Breaker , Coppercontacts For Make Switch As Per Sl No. C 2 Of Technicalspecifications , Copper Contacts For Make Switch As Per Slno. C 3 Of Technical Specifications Quantity: 36
Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Acelectric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 , Molded Case Circuitbreakers (Mccb) As Per Is / Iec 60947 , Led Bulkhead Light, Mcb - Miniature Circuit - Breakers For A.C. Operation As Peris / Iec 60898 (Part 1) , Compression Cable Lugs , Ledbatten , Bajaj Self Ballasted Led Lamps For General Lightingservices 12 Watt, , Surya Led Luminaire For Road Andstreet Lighting Rating - 45 Watt , Surya Led Luminaire Forroad And Street Lighting Rating - 60 Watt , Bajaj Selfballasted Led Lamps For General Lighting Services 18 Watt ,Bajaj Self Ballasted Led Lamps For General Lightingservices 20 Watt , Cable Flexible Copper 25 Sq Mm Singlecore Frls Cable , Cable Flexible Copper 4 Sqmm Two Corecable , Cable Flexible Copper 6 Sqmm Single Core Cable ,Cable Flexible Copper 1.5 Sq Mm Single Core Cable , Cableflexible Copper 16 Sq Mm Single Core Frls Cable , Cableflexible Copper 4 Sq Mm Single Core Cable , Cable Flexiblecopper 2.5 Sq Mm Single Core Cable , Cable Flexible Copper 4Sq Mm Three Core Cable , Surya Led Luminaire (Recessedluminaire) Rating - 36 Watt , Cable Copper Pvc 1.5 Sqmmpvc Insulated Cable Twin Twisted , Cable Aluminium Pvc 10Sqmm Two Core , Cable Flexible Copper 10 Sqmm Single Corecable , Anchor Non Modular Fan Regulator Electronic Typefor Ceiling Fan Quantity: 1219
Led Batten (Q2) , Self Ballasted Led Lamps For Generallighting Services (V2) Conforming To Is 16102 (Q2) , Ledluminaire For Road And Street Lights (V2) Conforming To Is10322 (Part 5 / Section 3) (Q3) , Pvc Copper Cable Singlecore And Multi Core Circular Sheathed Cord With Flexibleconductor (V2) As Per Is 694 (Q2) , Pvc Insulated Coppercable Single And Multi - Core Circular Sheathed Cable Withflexible Conductor (V2) As Per Is 694 (Q2) , Xlpe Cable Forworking Voltages Up To And Including 1.1 Kv As Per Is 7098(Part 1) (Q2) Quantity: 1581
Stainless Steel Shelf Rack (Q3) , Bathroom Or Toilet Mirror(V2) (Q4) , Water Fittings - Copper Alloy Float Valves(Horizontal Plunger Type) As Per Is: 1703 (Q4) , Plastics Bibtaps Pillar Taps Angle Valves And Stop Valves As Per Is9763:2000 (Latest) (Q3) , Copper Alloy Fancy Taps Forbathroom As Per Is 8931 (Latest) (Q3) , Bathroom Watershower (Q3) , Waste Fittings For Washbasin And Sinks As Peris 2963 (Q3) , Floor Drain Traps (Q3) , Connection Pipe Withnuts (V2) (Q3) , Flushing Cistern (Q3) , Toilet Seat Covers(V2) (Q4) Quantity: 51
Electrical Terminals As Per Is 8309 (Q3) , Piano Typemodular Domestic Electrical Sockets - Is 1293 (Q3) , Pianotype Non Modular Domestic Fan Regulator As Per Is 11037(Q3) , Non - Modular Piano Type Domestic Electricalswitches As Per Is 3854 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modularelectrical Switch Socket Combination As Per Is 3854 And Is1293 (Q3) , Elecric Bells And Accessories As Per Is 2268 (Q3), Electrical Plugs (V2) Isi Marked To Is 1293 (Q2) , Ledrecessed Mounting Slim Panel 600X600Mm 36 W , Ledstreet Light Driver 72 Watt , Led Street Light Driver 90 Watt ,Led Street Light Driver 120 Watt , Led Recessed Mountingfitting 18 Watts Square , Led Drivers 40 Or 45 Watt , Ledrecessed Mounting Fitting 12 Watts Square Slim , Copper Hdlugs 120 Sqmm , Heating Element 2000Watts , Heatingelement 1500Watts , Condensor 2 Point 5 Mfd For Ceilingfan , Distribution Box 4 Way Spn Double Door Ip 43 ,Distribution Box 8 Way Spn Double Door Ip 43 , Energymeter Tp Ct Operated , Energy Meter Sp 10 To 40 Amps ,Thermostat Geyser , Pendent Holder Pvc , Lamp Holderangular Type , Pvc Casing Caping 25Mm Or 1 Inch Length2Mtr , Pvc Casing Caping 20Mm Length 2Mtr , Insulationtape 25Mm , Modular Ac Starter , Calcium Hypochloritealtoch Gp Make Altoch , Aluminium Door Stopper 100Mmlong With Leg , Aluminium Door Stopper 150Mm Long With Leg, Gasket Rubber For Door 2Mm Thick And 50 Mm Wide ,Teflon Tape 19Mm Width , Tank Cover Pvc For 500 And 1000Ltr Capacity With Fixing Arrangement Quantity: 395
Split Air Conditioner 1.5 Ton 5 Star , Automatic Linevoltage Stablizer For 1.5 Ton Ac , Havells 16Amp 2Pole Plug , Metallic Mount Bracket For Ac , In Letor Out Let Pipe Copper , 2.5 Sqmm 3 Core Cable Quantity: 146