9 Live Notices for SAARC Diagnostic Kits Tenders
Showing 1 to 9
Power Screw Driver , Diagnostic Kit With Laptop And Softwareof Bs Iii, Bs Iv & Bs Vi Quantity: 2
Molecular Diagnostic Extraction Kits (Q3) Quantity: 227
Biochemistry Reagent Kit (Close System) (Q2) , Calibratorsfor Diagnostic Analyzers (Q2) Quantity: 228
Digital Radiography , Lead Cabinet , Veterinary Hematologyanalyser , Centrifuge Machine , Micropipettes , Surgical Kit ,Movable Stretcher Trolleys , Foldable Stretcher , Blindfoldsof Different Size Of Animal , Feline Rapid Cpv Antigen Test Kit, Feline Rapid Babesia Antigen Test Kit , Feline Rapid Cdvantibiotic Test Kit , Feline Rapid Rabies Antigen Test Kit ,Feline Rapid Cdv Antigen Test Kit , Feline Rapid Ccv Antigentest Kit , Feline Rapid Anaplasma Antibiotic , Feline Rapidtoxoplasma Antibiotic , Anigen Rapid Avian Influenzaantigen Test Kit , Anigen Rapid Bovine Tb Antibiotic Test Kit ,Otoscope For Veterinary Diagnostic , Refractometer ,Suction Machine , White Flash Trail Camera , 8 Inch Scissors, 5 Inch Scissors , 8 Inch Rat Toothed Forceps , Hacksaw Small, Hacksaw Large , Rib Cutters Secateurs , 24 Inch Steel Boltcutter , Bp Blades No. 22 - 100 Pcs Pack , Bp Handle , 12Inch Steel Ruler , Assorted Steel Knives , Butchers Hatchet ,Small Axe , Knife Sharpner , Knife Honing Steel Rod ,Enamel Trays - Large Size , Postmortem - Autopsy Gloves ,Nitrile Gloves , Formaldehyde Solution 37-41 Percent ,Sample Vial Wide Mouth And Screw Cap , Large Specimentjar For Display , Ethanol , Methanol - 500 Ml , Medium Sizeplastic Cool Box For Treansportation , Sterile Bacteriologicalswab , Wide Mouthed Sterile Sample Vials For Biologicalmaterials , Sterile Plastic Centrifuge Tube-15 Ml , Leishmeanstain Sigma , Geimsa Stain Sigma , Glass Microslides , No.1English Glass Cover Slides , Assorted Colour Permanentmarker Pen , Glass Marker Pen , Microscope Normal ,Microscope Digital Quantity: 403
Diagnostic Kits And Lab Items
Rate Contract
Blood Urea Nitrogen BUN Urea , Chloride Cl , Creatinine IDMS CREA IDMS , Potassium K , Sodium Na , Alanine Aminotransferase ALTV , Albumin ALB , Alkaline Phosphatase ALKP , Aspartate Aminotransferase AST , Bilirubin Unconjugated and Conjugated BUBC , Gamma Glutamyltransferase GGT , Total bilirubin TBIL , Total Protein TP , Cholesterol CHOL Slides , Direct HDL Cholesterol dHDL , Triglycerides TRIG , Creatinine Kinase CK , Creatinine Kinase MB CKMB , Lactate Dehydrogenase LDH , Iron Fe , Calcium Ca , Magnesium Mg , Phosphorus PHOS , Amylase AMYL , Lipase LIPA , Homocysteine HCY 2 test kit Ortho clinical diagnostic 300 tests per pack , FS Diluent pack 1 Apo Diluent , FS Diluent pack Specialty Diluent Water , CSF Protein PROT , C-Reactive Protein CRP , Glucose GLU , Uric Acid URIC , Urine Protein UPRO , Enzymatic Carbon Dioxide ECo2 , HbA1C reagent HBA1C , Direct LDL Cholesterol dLDL 600T , Direct Total Iron Binding Copacity dTIBC , Haptoglobin Hpt , High Senstivity C Reative Protein Hscrp , Immunoglobulin IgA 300 Test , Immunoglobulin IgG 300 Test , Transferrin TRFRN , Microalbumin mALB , Calibrator Kit 1 BUN UREA Ca CREA GLU LAC Li Mg PHOS SALI THEO RIC , Calibrator kit 2 CHOLC ECO2 K TRIG , Calibrator kit 3 AcP ALT ALKP AMYL AST CK GGT LDH LIPA , Calibrator kit 4 ALB BuBc Fe TBIL TIBC TP , Calibrator kit 5 AMON PROT , Calibrator kit 6 CHE CKMB , Calibrator kit 10 UPRO , Calibrator kit 25 dHDL , Calibrator kit 19 dLDL , Calibrator Kit 24 mALB , Immuno Wash Fluid 30 Pouched , FS Humidification Pack , desiccant pack , Reference Fluid 800 , Apolipoprotein A1 Apoa1 , Apolipoprotein B ApB , Complement C3 300 Test , Complement C4 300 Test , 7 Parsent BSA Solution , FS Reconstitution Diluents , FS Diluent pack 2 DAT Diluent DAT Diluent 2 , Air Filter , FS Micro Tip , FS Cuvettes , Versa Tips , Calibrator kit 7 CRP , Amonia AMON
Iot Based Telemedicine Poc Testing For Integration With E-Sanjeevani , E-Sanjeevani Integration Software , Yearlyoperational Cost , Hepatitis C Diagnostic Kit For Smartdevices , Dengue Ns1 Igg Igm Diagnostic Smart , Malariadiagnostic Smart , Malaria Pfpv Diagnostic Smart Devices ,Hiv I Ii Rapid Diagnostic Kit For Smart Devices , Syphilisdiagnostic Smart , Troponin I Rapid Diagnostic Kit For Smartdevices , Pregnancy Test Kit For Smart Devices , Bloodglucose Strips For Smart Devices , Haemoglobin Rapiddiagnostic Strips For Smart Devices , Lipid Strips For Smartdevices , Urine 10 Parameter Strips For Smart Devices ,Hepatitis B Hbsag Rapid Diagnostic Kit For Smart Devices Quantity: 2970
Rapid Diagnostic Kit Pf Or Pv , Micro Slide Pkt Of 50Slide , Prinking Lancet , Alcohol Cotton Swab ,Cedar Wood Oil 1 Liter , Slide Box Size 25 Slidewooden , Knapsak Pump , Fogging Machine , Binaularmicroscope , Eye Piece 5 X , Eye Piece 10 X , Oilimersion Lens 100 X , Stabilizer , Glass Beaker 100 Ml, Glass Beaker 250 Ml , Malaria Rapid Test Kits (Q2) (Pac Only ) Quantity: 783111