55 Live Notices for SAARC Insulin Tenders
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Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Item Code No. 180521G99\nBiphasic Isophane Insulin Injection BP\n30/70 Human 100IU/ml\nIn 10ml vial etc .
Insulin Glargine 100Iu/Ml, 3Ml Pen
Insulin Degludec 2.56Mg + Aspart 1.05Mg 100U/Ml, 3Ml Pen
Tab Oxcarbazepine 150Mg , Tab Thyroxine 12.5Mcg ,Human Insulin Analogue Glargine Inj , Tab Nitrofurantoin100 Mg , Antacid Chewable Containing Dried Aluminiumhydroxide , Deflazacort 6 Mg Tab , Carvidilol 3.125 Mg Tab ,Tab Diltiazem 60 Mg , Tab Diltiazem Hcl 90Mg , Ramipril 2.5Mg Tab , Hydrochlorthiazide 25 Mg Tab , Amlodipine 10 Mgtab , Ear Drop Paradichlorobenzene 2 Percentage Bott Of 10Ml , Antispasmodic Tab Containing Mefenamic Acid 250 Mg, Tab Trypsin Plus Chymotrypsin Chymoral Forte , Tabdicyclomine 10Mg , Medoxy Progesterone 10Mg ,Norethisterone 5 Mg Tab , Voglibose 0.2Mg Tab , Tablinagliptin 5 Mg , Chloramphenicol 5 Percentage W Per Vcomma Clotrimazole 1 Percentage , Dulo80Xetine 20 Mgtab , Tab Escitalopram 10 Mg , Risperidone 2 Mg Tab ,Olanzapine 10 Mg Tab , Tab Sertraline 50 Mg Comma , Tabzolpidem 10 Mg , Quitiapine 50Mg Comma Tab ,Levosalbutamol Sulphate Comma 2.5 Ml Containing Quantity: 405827
Supply of Insulin glargine INJ 1001U
Inj Human Insulin Mixture Of 30% Human Neutral Insulin 70% Human Isophane Insulin(Nph) /40 Iu / Ml Inj.10Ml Vial
(Ph No. : 10059)30% Soluble Insulin Aspart + 70% Insulin Aspart Protamine - 100 Iu /Ml - 3 Ml Penfills (1 Free Pen Per 3.
Inj. Insulin Glargine 100 Iu/Ml In 3Ml P [Inj. Insulin Glargine 100 Iu/Ml In 3Ml Pen]
Injection. Insulin Glulisine 100 Iu/Ml I [Injection. Insulin Glulisine 100 Iu/Ml In 3Ml Prefilled Pen]
Insulin Glargine Inj 300 Iu / Ml
Insulin Lispro 50% And Insulin Lispro Protamine 50% Suspension 100 I.U / Ml
Lab Automatin Track System Plus Auto Analyzer With Preanalytic And Post Analytics , Free T3 , Free T4 , Tsh , Antitpo , Anti Tg , Thyroglobulin , Vitamnin D3 , Ipth , Prolactin, Total Testosterone , Shbg , Cortisol , Insulin , C Peptide ,Estradiol , Progesterone , Psa , Dheas , Afp , Cea , Ca125 ,Ca19 9 , Free Psa , Any Other Consumables As Necessary Forabove Parameter , Glucose , Urea , Creatinine , Calcium ,Phosphorus , Uric Acid , Bilirubin Total , Bilibrubin Direct ,Total Protein , Albumin , Sgopt , Sgpt , Alkaline Phosphate, Ise Sodium , Ise Potassium , Ise Chloride , Amylase , Csfprotein , Total Cholesterol , Hdl , Ldl , Triglyceride , Lipase, Iron , Tibc , Crp , Cpk Total , Cpk Mb , Ldh , Magnesium ,Ammonia , Lactate , Hba1C , Phenytoin , Valporic Acid ,Carbamazepine , Lithium , Calibrator For All Aboveparameters , Serum Contro Normal For All Above Parameters, Serum Control Path High Value For All Baove Paramets ,Serum Control Path Low Value For All Above Parameters ,Urinary Control Normal , Urinary Control Path , Csf Controtwo Level , Wash Solutions If Required , Buffer Solutions Ifrequired Quantity: 2374511
Fully Automated Electro Chemiluminescence Immunoassayanalyzer Eclia , Free T3 , Free T4 , Tsh , Anti Tpo , Anti Tg, Thyroglobulin , Vitamnin D3 , Ipth , Prolactin , Totaltestosterone , Shbg , Cortisol , Insulin , C Peptide ,Estradiol , Progesterone , Psa , Dheas , Afp , Cea , Ca125 ,Ca19 9 , Free Psa , Any Other Consumables As Necessary Forabove Parameter , Glucose , Urea , Creatinine , Calcium ,Phosphorus , Uric Acid , Bilirubin Total , Bilibrubin Direct ,Total Protein , Albumin , Sgopt , Sgpt , Alkaline Phosphate, Ise Sodium , Ise Potassium , Ise Chloride , Amylase , Csfprotein , Total Cholesterol , Hdl , Ldl , Triglyceride , Lipase, Iron , Tibc , Crp , Cpk Total , Cpk Mb , Ldh , Magnesium ,Ammonia , Lactate , Hba1C , Phenytoin , Valporic Acid ,Carbamazepine , Lithium , Calibrator For All Aboveparameters , Serum Contro Normal For All Above Parameters, Serum Control Path High Value For All Baove Paramets ,Serum Control Path Low Value For All Above Parameters ,Urinary Control Normal , Urinary Control Path , Csf Controtwo Level , Wash Solutions If Required , Buffer Solutions Ifrequired Quantity: 2374512
Running Contract Of Inj. Human Insulin Neutral (Recombinant), 40 Iu/Ml, 10 Ml. Vial. One Syringe Free.
Insulin Aspart 30% And Protamine Insulin Aspart 70% Suspension 100 I.U / Ml
Insulin Isophane / Nph 70% And Human Insulin 30%
Inj. Premix Analogue (300Iu) Of 30% Human Insulin Aspart And 70% Insulin Aspart Protamine Catridges With Free Pen & Need.
Pegylated Gcsf 6 Mg Inj , 3Rd Generation Recombinantfactor Viii 250 Iu Inj , Denosumab 120 Mg Inj , Inj Interferonbeta 1A 30 Mcg 6 Million Iu 0.5 Ml R Dna Origin Prefilledsyrings And Prefilled Pen Avonex , Human Insulin Analogueglargine Inj 100 Iu Ml Recombinant Dna Origin 300 Iudisposable Pen With 5 Needles Per Pen , Human Insulinanalogue Rapid Acting Inj 100 Iu Ml Recombinant Dnaorigin 300 Iu Disposable Pen With 5 Needles Per Pen Quantity: 22410
Human Insulin Analogue Rapid Acting Inj 100 Iu Mlrecombinant Dna Origin 300 Iu Disposable Pen With 5Needles Per Pen , Human Insulin Analogue Long Acting Basalinj 100 Iu Ml Recombinant Dna Origin 300 Iu Disposable Penwith 5 Needles Per Pen , Tab Dolutegravir , Inj Factor Viii ,Inj Interferon Beta , Insulin Glargine 450 Iu 1.5 Ml ,Polyethylene Glycol 400 Nf 0.4 Percent Propylene Glycol0.3 Percentsorbitol Hp Gaur Borate Polyquad 0.001 Percent10 Ml Bottle , Rabies Immune Globulin Human Usp Heattreated Ampoule Ampoule Containing Not Less Than 150 Iuml Of Human Anti Rabies Immunoglobulin 2 Ml Ampoule Pfs ,Insulin Lispro 100 Iu , Indacaterol 110Mcg Andglycopyrronium 50Mcg 1 Box Of 30 Capsule And 1 Inhaler ,Tab Sofosubvir Valpatasvir , Electrolyte Solution For Sterigensystem Pack Of 4X5 Ltr Quantity: 4084
Formal Cortial Suspension Device Titanium With Selfadjustable Loop , Distal Radius Volar Locking Platebicolumnar Type3Comma4 , Cemented Bipolar Hipprosthesis With Double Triple Tapered , Suture Anchors4Point5 Mm Bioresorbable Comma , Ha Tricalciumphosphate Impregnated Coated Bioabsorbable , Injranibizumab 2 Point 3Mg Per 0Point 23Ml , Inj Humaninsulin Analogue Promix 25Percent Insulin Lispro 75 Percentinsulin Lispro Protamine Suspension 100Iu Per Ml ,Botulinium Toxin 200 Units Inj , Decapeptide 2Percent W Perv 5 Ml Lotion , Cream Propyleneglycol 15 Mg And Lacithinand Squalene Tube Of 100 Gm Quantity: 1205