242 Live Notices for SAARC Real Estate Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Provision of Office and Commercial Space Leasing at BNBL Building, Olakha, Thimphu
Provision of Tower Rental for Police Pump Samakhusi, Kathmandu
Supply of Allocation of Ambalamhena Land at Horana for the Period of 10 years
Supply of Allocation of Business Places at Viyathpura Housing Scheme at Pannipitiya for the Period of 05 years
Provision of Stall No. 01 Constructed on Borella Subway on Rental Basis
Provision of Renting a Building (Including furniture) for Site office & Engineer’s Accommodation of Power System Strengthening and Renewable Energy Integration Project – PMU2 at Habarana for 01 ½ year (18 months) period
Provision of Building for Dunagaha Consumer Service Centre for 02 Years
Provision of Lease or rent of a Building to Cinnamon Garden Depot for Colombo City
Provision of Lease or rent of a house for Chief Electrical Engineer (Colombo South) Area, as an official quarters
Provision of Lease or rent of a house for ES(GI) Francis Road Depot as an official quarters
Procurement for the lease of the shop room of the Center for Housing Planning and Building (CHPB)
Provision of renting a house to carry out daily activities
Provision for Pol Charkhi Industrial Park Shops
Lease of Building for Electrical Engineer (Wellawaya) Unit
Rent out a Building for Electrical Consumer Service Centre at Nilaveli
Rent out a Building for Sub Electrical Consumer Service Centre at Pulmoddai
Rent out a Building for Electrical Consumer Service Centre at Gomarankadawala
Rent out a Building for Electrical Consumer Service Center at Serunuwara
Provision of Rent/Lease Building for Use as ECSC Moronthota in Kegalle Area for a Period of02 Years.
Real Estate - Karachi