20 Live Notices for SAARC Soaps Detergents Tenders
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Dextrose , Glycerol Mol Bio , Nutrient Broth , Lcysteine , Aluminium Nitrate Nonahydrate , Ferricnitrate A.R Grade , Peptone , N-Pentane Ar Cas No. 10966 0 , Tetra Hydro Furan 99.9 Percent Hplc , Acetonitrilehplc , Sodium Hydroxide Pellet Ar , Sodiummolybdate Ar , N Hexane Lr , Dipotassium Hydrogenphosphate , Sodium Acetate Anhydrous , N Hexane Ar, Ethanol Ar , Tetra Propyl Ammonium Bromide Lrgrade , Acetone Lr , Nitric Acid Lr , N Heptane ,Hexane Commercial , Hexane Lr , N Heptane Ar Gr , Nheptane Lr , 2 Ethyl Hexanol , Ethyl Acetate Lr ,Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Lr Ar , Sodiumcarbonate Ar , Cyclo Hexane Ar , Potassiumdihydrogen Phosphate Lr , Potassium Dichromate Lr ,Acetone Ar , Petroleum Spirit 60 80 Lr , Magnesiumsulphate Heptahydrate , Carbon Di Sulphide Ar Gr ,Methanol Lr , Methanol Ar , Chloroform Lr , Isopropyl Alcohol Ar , Ammonium Sulphate Ar Grade ,Dichloromethane Hplc , Dimethylformamide 99 Pluspercent , Ethyl Acetate Min 99 Percent Purity Quantity: 621509
Taqman Multiplex Master Mix , Optical Flat 8 Cap Strips,Biorad , 0.2Ml, 8 Tube Pcr Strips Without Caps, Low Profile,White , Eppendorf Protien Lobind Tubes , Reversible Rackwith Cover One Side Place For 1.5 Ml And Another Side For 0.6Ml, 4 Per Pack , Microcentrifuge Tubes 1.5 Ml,Each Contain1000Nos , Microcentrifuge Tubes 2 Ml, Each Contain 1000Nos, Sealer, Microplate Seal , Trizol Ls Reagent ,100 Ml ,Ethanol ,500 Ml , 2 Ml Centrifuge Tube , Falcon Tubes 50Ml ,Mineral Oil ,5 Ml , Cryobabies White Tarsons 1000 Roll Labels0.9X0.5 , Biohazard Autoclave Bags Small 8X12, 100 Perpack , Biohazard Autoclave Bags Large 24X36, 100 Per Pack, Minj Pp Prepulled Microcapillary,10 Per Pack , 1 Ml Syringewith Detachable Needle , 1 Percentage Gentian Violet Stain125Ml , Methyl Cellulose , Dneasy Blood And Tissue Kits,250 , Taq Pcr Core Kit 1000 U , Inbios Kala Azar Detectrapid Test ,25 Per Kit , Bio Rad Sso Advanced Universalprobe Supermix , Qiaquick Gel Extraction Kit ,250 , Axygen1.5Ml Maxy Clear Snaplock Micro Centrifuge Tubes ,Invitrogen Trackit 100 Bp Dna Ladder 100Ulx2 , 50Bp Dnaladder , Glycerol 1L , Rnasea , Lightcylcer 480 Multiwelplate , Gutathione S Transferase Asssay Kit , 100Ul Universalfit Filter Tips Quantity: 2672
Supply Of Glycerol
Supply Of Glycerol
Supply Of Glycerol
Propidium Iodide , Mini Short Plates , Casting Plate Rack ,1,2-Dipalmitoyl-Sn-Glycero-3-Phospho-Rac-1-Glycerol Sodiumsalt , Dnase I , Phosphate Buffered Saline , Sodiumbicarbonate Quantity: 16
Glycerine Glycerol In Bott Of 1 Kg , Hydrogen Peroxidesolution With Stabilizer Ip 20 Volume 500Ml Bott ,Dutasteride 0 Point 5 Mg Tab Per Cap , Frusemide 20Mg 2Mlinj , Spironolactone 25Mg Tab , Bacillus Clausii 2 Billionspores Per 5Ml , Levosulpiride 25Mg Tab , Cap Trypsinchymotrypsin 100000Iu , Prebiotic And Probiotic Sachet ,Metaclopramide Hcl 5Mg Per Ml 2Ml In , Pantoprazole40Mg Plus Domperidone 10Mg Tab , Dinoprostone Gel 0Point 5Mg In 3Gm Per 2 Point 5Ml Gel Quantity: 24415
Supply Of Glycerol
Supply Of Glycerol
Glycerol Oral
Supply Of Glycerol
Supply Of Glycerol
Supply Of Glycerol
Ethyl Acetate , Hydrogen Peroxide , Sulfuric Acid ,Hydrochloric Acid , Potassium Chromate , Silver Nitrate ,Glycerol , Edta Disodium Salt Dehydrate Hi Ar Acs ,Bromocresol Green , Potassium Dichromate , Hand Sanitizers, Orthophosphoric Acid, Extrapure 85 Percent , Ferroussulphate Heptahydrate Extrapure Ar 99.5 Percent , Ethanolhplc Grade Greater Than 99.8 Percent , Catechin , Methanolhplc Grade Greater Than 99.8 Percent , Hexane Gc Gradegreater Than 97.0 Percent , Toluene Hplc Grade , Acetonehi Ar , Liquid Ammonia , Digestion Tube , Soxhlet Assembly, Rotatory Evaporator Flask , Tlc Chamber , Measuringcylinder , Beaker , Separating Funnel , Filter Paper , Watersampling Bottles , Rectangular Sticker Self-Adhesive , Tlcplates For Uv Chamber , Heating Mantle , Tissue Rolls ,Parafilm , Lab Coats , Cell Battery Duracell , Aluminium Foil ,Water Bottle Milton Steel , Sample Containers 250Ml ,Sample Container 500 Ml , Plastic Sheets , Floor Solutionlizol , Glass Cleaner , Scotch Brite , Mop For Cleaning ,Brooms , Hand Towel , Dusting Clothes Quantity: 229
Acid Sulphuric Commercial , Alcohol Methyl ,Cyanmethaemoglobin Standard For Haemoglobin Estimationampules Of 10 Ml , Drabkins Solution Diluting Solution Forhaemoglobin Estimation By Cyanmethaemoglobin Method ,Rapid Test Kit For Dengue Ns1 Agplusigmplus Igg Antibodycombo Card , Glycerine Ar Glycerol , Keto Diastiinto Bott Of50 Strips , Kits For Estimation Of Uric Acid 5Into 20 Ml , Kitsfor Estimation Of Creatinine5 Into20Ml , Kits For Estimation Ofalkaline Phosphatase 5Into 20 Ml , Kits For Estimation Ofsgot Ast 5 Into20 Ml , Kits For Estimation Of Sgpt Alt 5Into20 Ml , Methylene Blue Powder , Stain Leishmanspowder , Strips Albumin And Glucose Bottle Of 100 Strips ,Kit For Triglyceride Estimation 100 Ml , Kit For Estimation Ofbilirubin , Kit For Estimation Of Ggt Gamma Glutamyltransaminase 12 Into 5 Ml , Rapid Card Screening For Hbv ,Rapid Card Screening For Hcv , Phenylepherine 10 Mg 1 Mlinj , Epidural Set Disposable Porteinto Size 18G , Hiv Kit ,Synthetic Absorbabale Polygalactin 910Polyglycolic Acidcoated With Polyglycarproate Size No 0190To110 Cm 12Circle Round Body 30To40 Mm , Inj Vitamin D3 6L Iu ,Epidural Infusion Pump Baintoter Quantity: 440
Sodium Sulphate Ar , Potato Dextrose Broth Ar , Tween 80Ar , Etbr Mb , Polyethylene Glycol 6000 Ar , Peptone Ar ,Sodium Chloride Ar , Edta Ar , Nitrobluetetrazolumchloride Nbt Ar , Ninhydrin Ar , Di Aminobenzidine Ar ,Schiff Fusion Sulphite Reagent Ar , Hplc Grade Water ,Methanol Hplc Grade , 1 Napthyl Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride Nedd , Potassium Chloride Ar , Evans Blue Ar ,Chloroform Mb , Folin Reagent , Depc , Barium Sulphate Ar ,Manganese Sulphate Ar , Zinc Metal Powder Ar , Citric Acidpowder Ar , Sulphanilic Acid Ar , 1 Napthylamine Ar ,Magnesium Oxide Ar , Potassium Nitrate Ar , Xylose Ar ,Sodium Dodocyl Sulphate Mb , Pyrogallol Ar , Veratryalcohol Ar , Guaiacol Ar , Azure B Ar , Calcium Chloride Ar, Chelex 100 Sodium Form , 3 Point 5 Dintroslicylic Acid Ar ,Sodium Metasulphite Ar , Sodium Acetate Ar , Dithiothreioldtt Ar , Sodium Potassium Tartarate Ar , Malic Acid Ar ,Phenopthelin Ar , Sodium Azide Ar , Glycerol Ar , Sodiumhydrogen Carbonate Ar , L Serine Ar , Isopropanol Ar ,Malachite Green Ar , Remzol Brilliant Blue Ar , Aluminiumchloride Ar , Beef Extract Ar , Tri Calcium Phosphate ,Vanadium Chloride Ar , Potassium Sulphite Ar , Ethanol Ar ,Dapi Stain , Bisbenzimide , Sybr Green Quantitative Rtqpcr Kit Qr0100 , Conical Flask 50Ml , Conical Flask 100Ml ,Conical Flask 150Ml , Conical Flask 250Ml , Conical Flask500Ml , Petri Plates 100 X 17Mm , Microscope Cover Glass ,Quartz Boiler 5 Lit , Plastic Pots 30Cm Dia X 30 Cm Height ,Plastic Pots 15Cm Dia X 15Cm Height , Dessicator Vacuumpump Quantity: 103
Supply Of Glycerol
Pyridoxine Hcl , L-Ascorbic Acid , Nicotinamide , Lipoic Acid, Nicotinic Acid , P-Aminobenzoic Acid , Riboflavin , Thiaminehcl , D- Biotin , Folic Acid , Cyanocobalamin , Zinc Chloride ,Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate , Sodium Molybdatedihydrate , Cuprous Chloride , Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate ,Cobalt 2 Chloride Hexahydrate , Boric Acid, Extrapure Ar ,Nickel Ii Chloride Hexahydrate , Sodium Bicarbonateextrapure , Agarose High Eeo For Molecular Biology , Sodiumchloride Acs , Sodium Phosphate Dibasic , Sodiumphosphate Monobasic , Potassium Dihydrogenorthophosphate , Cycloheximide , Formic Acid Extrapure ,Phenol Crystalline Extrapure Ar , Chloroform Extrapure Ar ,Isoamyl Alcohol Extrapure Ar , Glycerol Lab Grade , Heminchloride , Triethylene Glycol Extarpur Ar , Urea Extrapure ,Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Cetyl Trimethylammoniumbromide , Diethyl Pyrocarbonate For Molecular Biology ,Methanol Extrapure Ar , Glycerol For Molecular Biology ,Polysorbate 20 For Tissue Culture , Xylene Dried , Sodiumphosphate Monobasic Anhydrous For Molecular Biology , Trisbuffer Ar, Acs For Molecular Biology , Sucrose Extrapure Ar, Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate Extrapure , Fluconazole, Alkaline Phosphatase , 2 2 Diphenyl 1 Picrylhydrazyl , Abtsextrapure , Don Estimation Kit , Malt Extract Agar 500 G ,Corn Meal Agar Agar 500 G , Concavity Slides One Cavity ,Phenol Crystalline For Molecular Biology , Tris Hydrochloride Quantity: 112
Yeast Extract Powder , Pcr Plate Well Semi Skirted Flat Deck ,Taq Twox Master Mix Red , Dna Lobind Tubes , Culture Tubes, Edta Disodium Salt Dihydrate , Glycerol , Centrifuge Tubewtih Cap , Universal Micro Tip Box , L Shaped Spreadersterile , Maxiamp Pcr Tubes , Novel Juice Supplied In Six Xloading Buffer , Microtips , Microtips , Two Propanol Formolecular Biology Suitable For Rna Extraction Dna Extractionbioreagent , Chloroform , Glass Syringe , Petri Dishes ,Kimitech Science Kimwipes Wipers , Instrument Cleaningfluid , Fifty X Tae Quantity: 70
Periodic Acid, Reagentplus Tm , Insulin Solution,Human Recombinant , Schiff Reagent 1090330500 , Pnitrophenyl A D Glucopyran 1Pc X 1Gm , A Glucosidasetype I From Bakers , Potassium Dihydr. Phosph. P.A.Emsure , Sodium Carbonate Anhydr. P.A. Emsure ,Acarbose , Dipeptidyl Peptidase Iv Inhibitor I , Gly-Prop-Nitroanilide Hydrochloride , Dipeptidyl Peptidase Iv,Human , Quercetin, 95 Hplc, Solid , Glycine, Non-Animal Source , Potassium Chloride Cell Culture ,Potassium Phosphate Monobasic , Sodium Bicarbonatepowder, 1Kg , Edta Solution For Cell Culture , D Glucose,Powder, Bioreagent , Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate , Trishydroxymethyl Aminomethane Gr , Magnesiumsulfate , Tri Reagent , Glycerol, For Molecularbiology , Sucrose , Silica Gel 60-120 Mesh For C 500 G, Silica Gel 100-200 Mesh For 500 G , Pancreatin Fromporcine Pancreas , Bile Salts , Aluminium Chlorideanhydrous Powder , Sodium Acetate Anhydrous ,2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl , Sodium Nitroprusside, Dihydr1Pc X 100Mg , Sulfanilic Acid 99 Percent Ac S Reagent ,N 1 Naphthyl Ethylenediamine , Nbt, Solution , Alphaglucosidase Assay , Phenazine Methosulfate , Nadh,Approx. 98 , 1 G , Folin Ciocalteus Phenol Reagent ,Dinitrosalicylic Acid, 98 , A Amylase, Heat Stable,For Total , Tlc Aluminum Sheets, Silica Gel 60 F Quantity: 48