201 Live Notices for SAARC Surgical Gloves Tenders
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Supply And Delivery Of Wedges, Barrels Gloves Tripal Etc
Heavy Duty Hand Gloves.
Polyurethane Coated Gloves (Q3) Quantity: 2000
Duster , Broom , Cloth , Cloth Spnge , Hand Towel , Yellowcloth , 2X2 Towel , Hand Botha , Mutton Cloth , Hard Broom, Colin , Gas Bag Small , Gas Bag Large , Hand Wash ,Phenol , Toilet Freshner , Toilet Cleaner , Spin Mop ,Standing Botha , Gloves , Soap Bar , Vim Liquid , Scrub ,Sanitizer , Bucket , Mug , Floor Cleaner , Wiper , Urine Mat ,Tissue Paper , Odonil , Brasso , Room Freshner , Acid ,Liquid Soap , Wc Brush , Wc Tikeya , Rin Soap , Nepthalenball Quantity: 8569
T Shirt , Golf Ball Sleeve , Hand Gloves , Golf Cap ,Magnetic Marker , Jute Bag , Trophy S Size Twentycm Into Three Cm Into Six Cm , Trophy S Size Twentycm Into Fifteen Cm Into Two Point Five Cm Quantity: 626
Industrial Safety Gloves - Leather And Cotton (Q3) Quantity: 50
Field Hockey Sticks As Per Is 829 (Q3) , Cricket Ball (Q3) ,Badminton Court Mat (Q3) , Badminton Racket (Q3) , Cricketstumps And Bails (Q3) , Cricket Gloves (Q3) , Cricketerhelmet (Q3) , Tennis Racket (Q3) , Cricket Bat (Q3) , Sportsthigh Pads (Q3) , Field Hockey Balls (Q3) , Football Goal Post(Q3) Quantity: 700
Cricket Bat (Q3) , Cricket Ball (Q3) , Cricket Stumps Andbails (Q3) , Cricket Hand Guard (Q3) , Cricketer Helmet (Q3) ,Cricket Gloves (Q3) , Cricket Carry Bag (Q3) , Sports Thighpads (Q3) , Sports Abdominal Guard (Q3) , Tennis Racket(Q3) Quantity: 104
Electronic Analytical Balance , Electronic Colony Counter ,Hot Air Oven , Microscopes Optical And Digital Compound ,Bod Incubator , Uv Vis Spectrophotometer , Microbialbench Scale Autoclavable Fermenter Mini Bioreactor , Deepfreezer Minus 20 Degree Celsius And Minus 80 Degreecelsius , Autoclave , Microprocessor Controlled Laboratorycentrifuge , Biosafety Cabinet , Water Bath , Hot Plate ,Refrigerator , Incubator , Shaker Incubator , Vortex Mixer Orshaker , Laminar Air Flow Or Laminar Hood , Ph Meter ,Automatic Double Water Distillation System , Workbenchvibration Sensitive , Workbenche Stainless Steel ,Workbenche Chemical Resistance , Workstationspectrophotometer , Instrument Storage Racks , Glassslides Pack Of 100 Pieces , Cover Slips Pack Of 50 Pieces ,Immersion Oil Microscopy Grade Dropping Bottle , Hepahigh Efficiency Particle Arresting Filter , Gloves , Generalconsumables Media Microbiology Culture Himedia Etc ,General Consumables Agar Powder , General Consumablesreagents Powder Or Liquid Quantity: 277
Industrial Safety Gloves - Leather And Cotton (Q3) Quantity: 1750
Welder Gloves Or Gauntlets As Per Is 2573 (Q3) Quantity: 10771
Industrial Safety Gloves - Leather And Cotton (Q3) Quantity: 12000
Cricket Ball (Q3) , Cricket Bat (Q3) , Cricket Gloves (Q3) ,Cricketer Helmet (Q3) , Cricket Stumps And Bails (Q3) ,Cricket Trouser (Q3) , Badminton Racket (Q3) , Football (Q3), Volleyballs As Per Is 417:1986 (Q3) , Badminton Net As Peris 3345 (Q4) Quantity: 245
Glove Box Adaptable Benchtop Energy Dispersive X-Rayfluorescence Spectrometer (Ed-Xrf) Quantity: 1
Ice Hockey Skates , Ice Hockey Sticks , Ice Hockeyhelmet Without Visor , Ice Hockey Chest Guard , Icehockey Elbow Guard , Ice Hockey Gloves , Icehockey Half Pant , Ice Hockey Shin Guard , Icehockey Goalie Helmet , Ice Hockey Goalie Neckguard , Ice Hockey Goalie Chest Guard , Ice Hockeygoalie Blocker , Ice Hockey Goalie Catcher , Icehockey Goalie Main Guard , Ice Hockey Goalie Halfpant , Ice Hockey Goalie Pad , Ice Hockey Goalieskates , Ice Hockey Goalie Stick , Ice Hockey Puck Quantity: 83
Cut Resistance Hand Gloves
Chemical (Acid Alkali) Resistant Hand Gloves
Gammex Powder Free Gloves All Sizes
Supply Of Safety 33000 Volts Electrical Hand Gloves, Seamless Natural Latex Rubber Of Size: 300 Mm, With Stand Test Pote.
Static Meter (Q3) , Esd Chairs (Q3) , Esd Mat (Q4) , Esdwrist Strap (Q3) , Esd Slippers (Q4) , Esd Aprons (Q3) , Esdworkstations (Q3) , Human Body Voltage Checker With Wallstation And Discharge Plate , Wrist Strap And Footweartester , Esd Cap , Ionising Air Gun , Esd Shoes , Esd Gloves Quantity: 51