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South Pacific Oceania services tenders

South Pacific Oceania services tenders

Get access to latest South Pacific Oceania services tenders and bids. Find business opportunities and government contracts for South Pacific Oceania services tenders, South Pacific Oceania inspection tenders, maintenance services, installation tenders, repair tenders, South Pacific Oceania hvac tenders, monitoring tenders, South Pacific Oceania transport services tenders, South Pacific Oceania catering tenders, South Pacific Oceania housekeeping tenders, South Pacific Oceania plumbing tenders. Find South Pacific Oceania services bids, tenders, procurement, RFPs, RFQs, ICBs.

Service industries are those not directly concerned with the production of physical goods (such as agriculture and manufacturing). Some service industries, including transportation, wholesale trade and retail trade are part of the supply chain delivering goods produced in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors to final consumers. Other services are provided directly to consumers. These include health care, education, information services, legal services, financial services, and public administration. The service sector accounts for around 70-80 per cent of employment in modern economies.

Oceania has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial markets of Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, French Polynesia and Hawaii, which rank high in quality of life and human development index, to the much less developed economies such as Papua New Guinea, Indonesian New Guinea, Kiribati, Vanuatu and Tuvalu, while also including medium-sized economies of Pacific islands such as Palau, Fiji and Tonga. The largest and most populous country in Oceania is Australia, and the largest city is Sydney. The South Pacific has 14 countries including Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Federated States Of Micronesia, Vanuatu, Samoa, Kiribati, Tonga, the Marshall Islands, Palau, Tuvalu, and Nauru.

697 Live Notices for South Pacific Oceania services tenders

Showing 1 to 20

Landscape Maintenance Services
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline09 Oct 2024
Reducing Waste Workshops
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline30 Sep 2024
provision of cleaning services at Coral Bay including the public ablution facilities and fish cleaning station & The realignment of Speedway Road North, to create a new intersection with Speedway Road West that is approx 55m further to the north
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline02 Oct 2024
Resistance Management in the Green Peach Aphid: Integrated Surveillance and Strategic Response
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline06 Nov 2024
Supply & Installation of Fencing-Tacirua Reservoir Dokanaisuva Reservoir and Khalsa PS
country Fiji
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline25 Sep 2024
Maintenance of DN 600 Pipe Crossing at the Laqere Bridge
country Fiji
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline25 Sep 2024
Equipments/Tools For Water Source Monitoring and Maintenance of Telemetry Station
country Fiji
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline20 Sep 2024
110 Kva Generator Repair works at Kinoya Pump Stores Yard - KP 099-24
country Fiji
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline18 Sep 2024
Provision of Gutter and Window Cleaning
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline05 Oct 2024
State-Wide Laundry And Linen Services
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline28 Oct 2024
5344 Trunk Watermain Relocation Works
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline08 Oct 2024
Eoi Santa Photography At Cronulla
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline01 Oct 2024
Level 6 Internal Refurbishment Builder
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline10 Oct 2024
Bridge Maintenance Works - Panel
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline15 Oct 2024
Request For Quotation - Supplier Agreement For Security Services
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline09 Oct 2024
Supply, Delivery To Warren And Installation Of A 7M Wide Cantilevered Auto Gate.
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline03 Oct 2024
Resistance Management In The Green Peach Aphid: Integrated Surveillance And Strategic Response
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline06 Nov 2024
Crrdc Impact Assessment Guidelines Refresh
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline21 Oct 2024
Shoalwater Bay Training Area Demolition Works, Qld
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline08 Oct 2024
Wide Area Airborne Surveillance (Waas)
country Australia
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline30 Sep 2024