Latest Sweden Bridges tenders. Discover new opportunities for Bridges tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Sweden.
The Swedish bridges and tunnels market is a significant industry, driven by the country's extensive infrastructure needs and growing transportation demands. With numerous waterways and geographical challenges, Sweden relies heavily on bridges and tunnels to connect its communities and facilitate trade.
The Swedish government plays a crucial role in the bridges and tunnels market, acting as a major procurer of these infrastructure projects. Government procurement accounts for a substantial share of the industry's revenue, ensuring a steady stream of projects and driving innovation.
The Swedish government procures a wide range of bridges and tunnels products and services, including:
Design and construction of new bridges and tunnels
Maintenance and repair of existing infrastructure
Tunnel and bridge safety systems
Consulting services for bridge and tunnel projects
The top authorities responsible for bridges and tunnels procurement in Sweden include:
The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket)
The Swedish National Road Administration (Vägverket)
The Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket)
Major companies involved in winning bridges and tunnels procurement contracts in Sweden include:
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