Latest Sweden Construction Materials tenders. Discover new opportunities for Construction Materials tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Sweden.
The Swedish construction materials market is a significant sector of the country's economy, with an estimated value of SEK 175 billion (USD 17.5 billion) in 2022. The market is driven by factors such as increasing urbanization, rising infrastructure investments, and growing demand for sustainable building materials.
The Swedish government is a major procurer of construction materials, accounting for a substantial portion of the market's overall demand. Government procurement is guided by principles of sustainability, environmental responsibility, and value for money.
The Swedish government procures a wide range of construction materials, including:
Insulation materials
The top authorities responsible for construction materials procurement in Sweden include:
The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket)
The Public Procurement Agency (Upphandlingsmyndigheten)
The Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten)
The Swedish National Housing Board (Boverket)
The top winners of construction materials procurement contracts in Sweden include:
Stora Enso
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