Latest Sweden Entertainment and Media tenders. Discover new opportunities for Entertainment and Media tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Sweden.
The Swedish entertainment and media market is a thriving industry with a total revenue of USD 7.82 billion in 2023. The largest segment of the market is TV and video, which generated USD 3.07 billion in revenue in the same year. Other important segments include music, video games, and social media. The Swedish entertainment and media market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.6% from 2023 to 2032.
The Swedish government is a major purchaser of entertainment and media products and services. In 2022, the government spent USD 182 million on entertainment and media procurement. The largest category of procurement was film and television production, which accounted for USD 87 million. Other important categories of procurement include music, video games, and software development.
The Swedish government procures a wide range of entertainment and media products and services, including:
Film and television production
Music production and distribution
Video game development
Software development
Advertising and marketing services
Public relations services
The Swedish government has a number of authorities that are responsible for entertainment and media procurement. These authorities include:
The Swedish Film Institute
The Swedish Arts Council
The Swedish Media Authority
The Swedish Broadcasting Authority
The top winners of Sweden entertainment and media procurement contracts include:
Sveriges Television (SVT)
Sveriges Radio (SR)
Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT Group)
Universal Music Group
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Sweden entertainment and media tenders, Sweden advertising tenders, film production tenders, Sweden video production tenders, Sweden photography tenders, Sweden broadcasting services tenders, Sweden media monitoring tenders, Sweden public advertising tenders