Latest Switzerland Education and Training tenders. Discover new opportunities for Education and Training tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Switzerland.
The Swiss education and training market is a dynamic sector with a strong emphasis on quality and innovation. Valued at approximately CHF 10 billion annually, the market is driven by government procurement and a growing demand for skilled professionals.
The Swiss government plays a pivotal role in the education and training sector, investing around CHF 10 billion each year to procure a wide range of products and services, including school supplies, textbooks, ICT solutions, educational services, and infrastructure.
The government's procurement portfolio encompasses a diverse range of education and training products and services, catering to the needs of students, teachers, and educational institutions across Switzerland. These include:
School supplies and equipment
Textbooks and learning materials
ICT hardware and software
Educational services, such as teacher training and administrative support
Educational infrastructure, including school buildings and classrooms
Several government bodies oversee the procurement of education and training products and services in Switzerland. The key players include:
Federal Department of Education, Research and Innovation (EDK)
Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)
Cantonal Ministries of Education
Local Education Authorities
Leading providers in the Swiss education and training market include:
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Pearson Education
Wolters Kluwer
Klett Lernmedien
Lehrmittelverlag Zürich
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