Latest Tanzania Healthcare and Medicine tenders. Discover new opportunities for Healthcare and Medicine tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Tanzania.
Booming market: Tanzania's healthcare and medicine market is expected to reach $1.7 billion by 2027, driven by rising incomes, population growth, and government investments.
Mostly out-of-pocket: Over 50% of Tanzanians pay for healthcare directly, with limited public health insurance coverage. This presents a huge opportunity for affordable private providers and medicines.
Urbanization fuels demand: As Tanzanians flock to cities, demand for specialized care and modern facilities is surging.
Big spender: The Tanzanian government is a major healthcare and medicine buyer, allocating $388 million in 2020/21.
Focus on essentials: Drugs, medical equipment, and vaccines are top priorities, with a growing emphasis on local manufacturing and digital health solutions.
Open to all: International companies can compete for tenders, but navigating the process requires local partnerships and understanding unique needs.
Essential medicines: Anti-malarial drugs, antibiotics, and reproductive health supplies are must-haves.
Diagnostic equipment: Affordable and portable devices for rural areas are key.
Preventive care: Vaccines and sanitation solutions are crucial for tackling infectious diseases.
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA): Regulates and approves all products.
Ministry of Health: Oversees national health policies and procurement strategies.
Regional and district authorities: Play a vital role in local healthcare delivery.
Local manufacturers: Companies like Tanzania Pharmaceuticals Industries are gaining ground with government support.
International giants: Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and others leverage partnerships and local production to secure deals.
Innovative startups: Tech-enabled companies offering telemedicine and data-driven solutions are attracting attention.
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