10 Live Notices for Roadways bids and RFP from Tanzania
Showing 1 to 10
Provision of Car Hire and Hired Transport Services
Provision of Transportation of household goods, packaging of printing materials and Courier Services (parcels and goods/materials).
Provision of Car Rental/Hire services in all regions and Zanzibar islands
Manufacture and Supply of Two(2) High Production Truck Bodies for CAT 777E
Provision of Vehicle Hiring
Provision of Logistics Services
Tanzania - Eastern And Southern Africa- P150937- Dar Es Salaam Urban Transport Improvement Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Tanzania - Eastern And Southern Africa- P150937- Dar Es Salaam Urban Transport Improvement Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Tanzania - Eastern And Southern Africa- P150937- Dar Es Salaam Urban Transport Improvement Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Tanzania - Eastern And Southern Africa- P150937- Dar Es Salaam Urban Transport Improvement Project - Procurement Plan (English)