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1 निविदा दस् तािेज TENDER DOCUMENT के लिये FOR Unmodified and Modified Oligos TENDER # CDFD/PUR/2022-23/OLI/ARC/IND18085 सी डी एफ डी CDFD डी एि ए फ िंगरवरटिं गिं एििं निदाि केंद्र Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics इिर ररिंग रोड, उप् पि, हैदराबाद - 500039 Inner Ring Road, Uppal, HYDERABAD - 500039 (तेििंगािा राज्य) भारत (Telangana State) India 2 डी एि ए फ िं गरवर िंट िंग एििं निदाि केंद्र (बायो ेक् िोिॉजी विज्ञाि और रौद्योगगकी मिंत्रािय एक स् िाय त ंिंस् ाि। भारत ंरकार) CENTRE FOR DNA FINGERPRINTING AND DIAGNOSTICS (An Autonomous Institute of Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India) इिर ररिंग रोड Inner Ring Road, उप् पि Uppal, हैदराबाद HYDERABAD - 500039 (तेििंगािा राज्य Telangana State) भारत India Ph. No. 040-27216025/20, Fax: 040-27216019 Email: निविदा आमंत्रित सूचिा NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tender No. CDFD/PUR/2022-23/OLI/ARC/IND18085 Date: 01.06.2023 Sealed tenders are invited on behalf of and by the Director, CDFD from Manufacturers / Authorized Distributors for entering into Annual Rate Contract basis for or supply of “Unmodified and Modified Oligos”. काम की ग ंजाइश Scope of work: Supply of “Unmodified and Modified Oligos”. 1. इच्छ क ग् ग ो्ीददाता ममाीद िबोसाइ सब ूू्ण ो्ीद-प्रक्रिगा दस् तािबज म फत मडडालिी्ड की सकतब म । Interested eligible bidders may download free of cost the complete bidding documents from our Website ( as well as from Central Public Procurement Portal: 2. कम सेकम धन जमा/ो्ीद स ीक्षा Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security: EMD amounting to Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand only) by way of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee of a Commercial Bank in favour of “Director, CDFD and payable at Hyderabad obtained from any Commercial Bank should be enclosed along with the Bid. I. This amount is interest free and will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder after finalization of the Contract within 30 days. II. The firms registered with DGS&D, NSIC and MSE if any, are exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and enclosed the valid proof along with Quotation. 3. The firms registered with MSME/MSEs should indicate the Udyog Aadhar Memorandum (UAM) Identification Number in their quotation failing which the exemption of EMD and other benefits as available will not be applicable. 4. निविदाएं एकी ो्ीद मडजमा की जाएंगी । Tenders shall be submitted in Single bid. Due Date for Receipt of Tenders: 26-06-2023 @ 2.30 pm Opening of Bids: 26-06-2023 @ 3.00 pm at Committee Room, Stores & Purchase Section, Cellar, CDFD, Inner Ring Road, Uppal, Hyderabad. If the above stated opening or closing date(s) happens to be Govt. holiday(s)/BANDH, the submission/opening of the tender will be on the next working day as per the time scheduled. 5. The sealed cover duly super-scribed with Tender No. CDFD/PUR/2022-23/OLI/ARC/IND18085, Due on 26-06-2023 @ 2.30 pm containing bid along with the relevant documents should be dropped in the Sealed Tender Box kept at the Purchase Section, CDFD, Inner Ring Road, Uppal, Hyderabad on or Before 2.30 PM of 26-06-2023. The Tender document at any cost should not be handed over to any person. 6. The Director, CDFD reserve the right to not to lowest Tender accept the highest discounted off or any other tender and reserves the authority to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. All the tenders, in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or incomplete, in any respect, are also liable to be rejected. 7. Bidders sending their quotations through courier / postal services should ensure to send the same well in advance as CDFD does not take any responsibility for late receipt of quotes due to postal / courier delays. 8. Tenders submitted without EMD will be rejected. Tenders received after due date and time will not be entertained. Institute is not responsible for any postal delay. CDFD does not take any responsibility for loss of Tender in transit sent by courier or any postal delays, Tenders received after the due date and time will be summarily rejected. Incomplete or conditional tenders are liable for rejection. 9. Prices quoted should be upto CDFD Stores, Inner Ring Road, Uppal, Hyderabad – 500 039. 10. All the tenders, in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. 11. This Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) shall form part and parcel of the Tender Document. 12. The Bidder shall sign all the pages of the Tender Document and other documents submitted by him. 3 13. CDFD does not bind itself to accept the lowest discounted tender or any other tender and reserves the authority to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. All the tenders, in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or incomplete, in any respect, are liable to be rejected. 14. Delivery: The ordered materials are to be supplied within stipulated time of the order. हस्ताक्षर प्रभाीद-भण् डाी् एिं िग Sd/- I/C-Stores & Purchase 4 अध्गाग CHAPTER 1 ो्ीद ीगािब कब लीए निदेश INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDER 1. ग्ग ो्ीददाता ELIGIBLE BIDDERS: This Invitation for Bids is open to all Original Manufacturers/ their Authorized Dealers/ vendors / suppliers to quote on their behalf for this tender as per Manufacturer’s Authorization Form and Indian Agents of Foreign Principals, if any who possess the qualifying requirements as specified in the Tender. 2. ो्ीददाता की क्षमता CAPACITY OF BIDDER: Any person signing a Tender shall submit documentary evidence that his signature on the Tender, submitted by him, is legally binding upon himself, his firm. If it is detected that the person so signing the Tender has no authority to do so, the Director, CDFD may, |