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1 Month 11 Day(S) 5 Hour(S) 43 Minute(S) 41 Second(S)

Ville de Mirabel Canada has Released a tender for 1 Month 11 Day(S) 5 Hour(S) 43 Minute(S) 41 Second(S) in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Dec 06, 2024.

Country - Canada

Summary - 1 Month 11 Day(S) 5 Hour(S) 43 Minute(S) 41 Second(S)

Deadline - Jan 16, 2025

GT reference number - 99187138

Product classification - Construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - Canada

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99187138

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The City of Mirabel wishes to receive awards for the acquisition of equipment and an IT solution for the implementation of a self-service electrically assisted bicycle network adapted to the rural sector for the 2025 season.Table 1 Quant ity and equipment targetedDescriptionQuantityElectric terminal16Electrically assisted bicycles50Electric docking point116Additional batteries including their chargers25The AWARDED CONTRACTOR must provide an integrated IT solution (the Technological Solution) compatible with the Equipment and must include a geolocation device.See quote for more details.local title:: 1 mois 11 jour(s) 5 heure(s) 43 minute(s) 41 seconde(s)local description: : La Vil

Gt Ref Id - 99187138

Deadline - Jan 16, 2025

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