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Country - Canada
Summary - 1 Month 21 Hour(S) 42 Minute(S) 52 Second(S)
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GT reference number - 99509621
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Canada
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99509621
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The Quebec City Police Department (SPVQ), in order to fulfill its primary mission of maintaining peace, order and public safety, has the mandate to provide call response services in the territory of Quebec City and the cities of the Queb ec City metropolitan area. During interventions, it may be necessary to use force. Depending on the level of resistance encountered, the use of an electric shock weapon may be essential, making it possible to defuse incidents by limiting damage. This measure is intended as an alternative to the use of force, and aims to guarantee the safety of police officers and citizens, while scrupulously respecting the national use of force model.The SPVQ wis
Gt Ref Id - 99509621
Deadline - Jan 11, 2025
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