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1 Month 7 Day(S) 10 Hour(S) 1 Minute(S) 24 Second(S)

Ville de Montreal - Service des grands parcs, du Mont-Royal et des sports Canada has Released a tender for 1 Month 7 Day(S) 10 Hour(S) 1 Minute(S) 24 Second(S) in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Dec 17, 2024.

Country - Canada

Summary - 1 Month 7 Day(S) 10 Hour(S) 1 Minute(S) 24 Second(S)

Deadline - Jan 23, 2025

GT reference number - 99936868

Product classification - Construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - Canada

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99936868

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The Major Parks, Mount Royal and Sports Department would like to develop and enhance the views of the Jarry Park basin. The work involves installing furniture on concrete slabs to be built, periodically mowing invasive plants and smoothi ng the surfaces.local title:: 1 mois 7 jour(s) 10 heure(s) 1 minute(s) 24 seconde(s)local description: : Le Service des grands parcs, du Mont-Royal et des Sports souhaite procéder à l’aménagement et la mise en valeur des vues du bassin du Parc Jarry. Les travaux consistent à installer du mobilier sur des dalles de béton à construire, au fauchage périodique des végétaux envahissants ainsi qu’au ragréage des surfaces.

Gt Ref Id - 99936868

Deadline - Jan 23, 2025

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