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Country - Canada
Summary - 20 Day(S) 9 Hour(S) 45 Minute(S) 2 Second(S)
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 98095519
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Canada
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98095519
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: NOTICE OF CALL FOR TENDERSReplacement work on the dehumidification system of the swimming pool at the sports complex of the City of La MalbaieCALL FOR TENDERS No. 2024-26-LOIThe City of La Malbaie will undertake work to replace the dehum idification system of the swimming pool at the sports complex located at 104 rue Laure-Gaudreault. The bidder awarded the contract must carry out the work in accordance with the call for tender documents.The tender documents describing the conditions relevant to this call for tenders can be obtained in electronic format on the SÉAO electronic call for tenders system ( or at 1-866-669-7326. Obtaining the documents is subject to the pr
Gt Ref Id - 98095519
Deadline - Dec 12, 2024
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