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Country - Belarus
Summary - 2024-400065448-106 Antitox Salmonella Serum (100 Ml)
Deadline - Jul 01, 2025
GT reference number - 83545434
Product classification - Medicinal products for the alimentary tract and metabolism
Address - Belarus
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 83545434
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 2024-400065448-106Salmonella antitox serum (100ml),2024-400065448-105EKOCHIM dispenser -OP-1-10-100,2024-400065448-104ECOCHEM dispenser -OP-1-100-1000 (or equivalent),2024-4 00065448-103serum calibration proteosis, klebs, rota, 2024-4000 65448-102 OKZ (99 ml\33 doses) serums and vaccines used in veterinary medicine, 2024-400065448-101 Belviropast, serums and vaccines used in veterinary medicine, 2024-400065448-100 Kombovak R, 2024-4 00065448-99 Dispenser EKOKHIM -OP-1-10-100,2024-400065448-98Dispenser EKOKHIM -OP-1-100-1000,2024-400065448-97needle and-144,2024-400065448-96needle and-143,2024-400065448-95Bandage non-sterile 7x14 ,2024-400065448-94Nylon syringe 20 ml.,2024-40006544
Gt Ref Id - 83545434
Deadline - Jul 01, 2025
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