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Country - Belarus
Summary - 2024-791066714-7 Tablet
Deadline - Dec 17, 2025
GT reference number - 99994094
Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Address - Belarus
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99994094
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 2024-791066714-7Tablet, 2024-791066714-6Projector, 2024-791066714-53D FDM printer with 2 printing extruders, 2024-791066714-43D FDM printer with 1 printing extruder, 2024-791066714-3Ultrasound examination apparatus for cattle in a set (u ltrasound scanner), 2024-791066714-2Drone - cartographer in a set with additional equipment, 2024-791066714-1Agrodron (unmanned aerial complex) in a set and with additional equipmentlocal title:: 2024-791066714-7Планшетlocal description: : 2024-791066714-7Планшет,2024-791066714-6Проектор,2024-791066714-53D-принтер FDM с 2 печатающими экструдерами,2024-791066714-43D-принтер FDM с 1 пе
Gt Ref Id - 99994094
Deadline - Dec 17, 2025
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