Most trusted source for Tendering Opportunities and Business Intelligence since 2002
Country - Belarus
Summary - 2025-200112215-16Fresh Apples
Deadline - Jan 09, 2026
GT reference number - 101237182
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Belarus
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 101237182
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 2025-200112215-16Fresh apples, 2025-200112215-15Ware potatoes, 2025-200112215-14White cabbage, 2025-200112215-13Onions, 2025-200112215-12Table carrots, 2025-200112215-11Table beets, 2025-200112215-10Services for support of the PC "Casewo rk", 2025-200112215-9Access of departmental ECM to SMDO, 2025-200112215-8Gasoline AI 92,2025-200112215-7Diesel fuel,2025-200112215-6Kefir, not less than 1.5% fat,2025-200112215-5Whole milk, 1 l., not less than 2.5% fat,2025-200112215-4Egg D-1,2025-200112215-3Wheat loaf, sliced, in packaging,2025-200112215-2Rye-wheat bread, sliced, in packaginglocal title:: 2025-200112215-16Яблоки свежиеlocal description: : 2025-200112215-16Яблок
Gt Ref Id - 101237182
Deadline - Jan 09, 2026
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