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2025-400064717-27 Postage Stamps, Stamped And Unmarked Envelopes, Stamped And Unmarked Postcards

Государственное сельскохозяйственное учреждение Мозырская сортоиспытательная станция Belarus has Released a tender for 2025-400064717-27 Postage Stamps, Stamped And Unmarked Envelopes, Stamped And Unmarked Postcards in Paper and Packaging. The tender was released on Jan 17, 2025.

Country - Belarus

Summary - 2025-400064717-27 Postage Stamps, Stamped And Unmarked Envelopes, Stamped And Unmarked Postcards

Deadline - Jan 17, 2026

GT reference number - 101696721

Product classification - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security

Organization Details:

  Address - Belarus

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 101696721

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: 2025-400064717-27 Postage stamps, stamped and unmarked envelopes, stamped and unmarked postcards, 2025-400064717-26 Repair of computers and peripheral equipment; services for refilling, restoring cartridges, replacing drums, 2025-4000647 17-25 Moisture meter "Fauna-VK" or analogue, 2025-400064717-24 Fungicide Acrobat or analogue, 2025-400064717-23 Herbicide Miura or analogue, 2025-400064717-22 Insecticide Karate Zeon or analogue, 2025-400064717-21 Fungicide Title Duo or analogue, 2025-400064717-20 Herbicide Gerbitox or analogue, 2025-400064717-19 Herbicide Gezagard or analogue, 2025-400064717-18 Fungicide Abacus Ultra or analogue, 2025-400064717-17 Fungicide "Prozaro" or analogue

Gt Ref Id - 101696721

Deadline - Jan 17, 2026

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