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Country - Belarus
Summary - 2025-791272341-3Loading, Storage, Unloading Services For Potash Fertilizers
Deadline - Jan 22, 2026
GT reference number - 101976831
Product classification - Supporting and auxiliary transport services; travel agencies services
Address - Belarus
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 101976831
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 2025-791272341-3Loading, storage, unloading services of potash fertilizers, 2025-791272341-2Phosphorus fertilizers, 2025-791272341-1Potash fertilizers (with delivery)local title:: 2025-791272341-3Услуги по погрузке, хр нению, выгрузке калийных удобренийlocal description: : 2025-791272341-3Услуги по погрузке, хранению, выгрузке калийных удобрений,2025-791272341-2фосфорные удобрения,2025-791272341-1калийные удобрения ( с доставкой) lot_details: 1: Services for loading, storage, unloading of potash fertilizers, 2: phosphorus fertilizers, 3:
Gt Ref Id - 101976831
Deadline - Jan 22, 2026
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