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Country - Turkey
Summary - 2025 Year 3 Part ("Central Air Conditioning [Vrf] And Split Air Conditioners", "Air Conditioning Units And Cooling Groups [Chiller]" And "Natural Gas [Floor/Wall Type] Boilers And Combis") Periodic Maintenance-Repair And Failure Resolution Work Including Material Construction Works And Technical Department Headship Higher Education Institutions Bogazici University
Deadline - Jan 03, 2025
GT reference number - 99396537
Product classification - Industrial machinery
Address - Turkey
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99396537
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: ("Central Air Conditioning [VRF] and Split Air Conditioners" - 3201 Maintenance, "Air Conditioning Units and Cooling Groups [CHILLER]" - 202 Maintenance and "Natural Gas [Floor/Wall Type] Boilers and Combi Boilers") - 204 Maintenance is Periodic Maintenance-Repair and Troubleshooting Work Including Materials. Detailed information can be accessed from the administrative specifications in the tender document in EKAP.local title:: 2025 YILI 3 KISIM ("MERKEZİ KLİMA [VRF] VE SPLİT KLİMALAR", "KLİMA SANTRALLERİ VE SOĞUTMA GRUPLARI [CHILLER]" VE "DOĞALGAZLI [YER/DUVAR TİPİ] KAZAN VE KOMBİLER") MALZEME DAHİL PERİYODİK BAKIM-ONARIMI VE ARIZALARININ GİDERİLMESİ İŞİYAPI
Gt Ref Id - 99396537
Deadline - Jan 03, 2025
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