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Country - Spain
Summary - 2198/2024 Compulsory And Non-Compulsory School Transport Services Of The Western Vallès
Deadline - Feb 11, 2026
GT reference number - 103132513
Product classification - Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103132513
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The provision of the mandatory and non-mandatory school transport service in Vallès Occidental, on all school days of the school calendar that the Department of Education establishes for each school year.local title:: 2198/2024 Servei d e transport escolar obligatori i no obligatori del Vallès OccidentalContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : La prestació del Servei de transport escolar obligatori i no obligatori del Vallès Occidental, tots els dies lectius del calendari escolar que el Departament d’Educació estableixi per a cada curs. lot_details: 1: 1-I HAVE, 2: 2-I HAVE, 3: 3-I HAVE, 4: 4-TEO, 5: 5-TEO, 6: 6-TEO, 7: 7-TEO, 8: 8-TEO, 9: 9-TEO, 10: 10-TEO, 11: 11-TEO
Gt Ref Id - 103132513
Deadline - Feb 11, 2026
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