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Country - Norway
Summary - 24-020 Temporary Services As Vinmonopolet
Deadline - Jan 20, 2025
GT reference number - 99950882
Product classification - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
Address - Norway
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99950882
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Vinmonopolet shall enter into an agreement to purchase temporary services as needed within the areas of: Payroll, accounting, finance, HR/office/administration, customer center, warehouse, store and IT.local title:: 24-020 Vikartjenester AS VinmonopoletContract Duration: : 48 MONTHContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : Vinmonopolet skal inngå avtale om kjøp av vikartjenester ved behov innenfor områdene: Lønn, regnskap, økonomi, HR/kontor/administrasjon, kundesenter, lager, butikk og IT.Net Budget LC: : 16000000.0Tender URL: : est_amount: 16000000.0 category: staff placement including temporary staff,business services: legal
Gt Ref Id - 99950882
Deadline - Jan 20, 2025
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