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Country - Germany
Summary - 24-0565 City Wob - Gs Hellwinkel Roof Renovation Tower - 021 Roof Sealing Work
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97924138
Product classification - Roof insulation work
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97924138
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Scope of procurementType and scope of service310m² roof sealing film, remove and dispose of310m² roof sealing bitumen in hot bitumen, remove310m² insulation, remove and dispose of, 60mm310m² roof sealing bitumen, multi-layered, remov e310m² elastomer bitumen vapor barrier310m² thermal insulation DAAdm, MW-038-A1-180, 2-layer310m² roof sealing, EVA-BV-K-PV-1.5 SK, glued85m composite sheet folded, approx. 450mm1 flat roof exit with scissor staircase, 120/70Information on the purpose of the building or the order, if planning services are also requiredProvision of planning servicesInformation on the purpose of the building AppendixInformation on the purpose of the contractMain
Gt Ref Id - 97924138
Deadline - Dec 04, 2024
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