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Country - Netherlands
Summary - 31137033: The Multi-Year Maintenance Of The E&W/Ia Area Of Objects Located In And Along The Maas And Its Branches
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GT reference number - 98683408
Product classification - Mechanical installations
Address - Netherlands
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98683408
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The work involves the multi-year maintenance, monitoring and information on the condition of the E&W/IA area of objects located in and along the Maas and branches (from Eijsden border to bridge A27 national highway, Sluis St. Andri es and Wilhelminasluis). The changes relate to unforeseen circumstances and/or necessary additional work:VTW-549 GRA: ADDITIONAL WORK VTW-478: CONCRETE REPAIR FLOOR NEAR YOKE 9 AND ADDITIONAL INJECTION WORK PILLAR YOKE 20 WEIR GRAVElocal title:: 31137033:het meerjarig in stand houden van het E&W/IA areaal van objecten gelegen in en langs de Maas en aftakkingenContract Type: : Workslocal description: : De werkzaamheden betreffen het meerjarig in s
Gt Ref Id - 98683408
Deadline - Dec 14, 2024
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