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50.96 Diapers (2026)

Staten og Kommunernes Indkobsservice A S Denmark has Released a tender for 50.96 Diapers (2026) in Healthcare and Medicine. The tender was released on Mar 11, 2025.

Country - Denmark

Summary - 50.96 Diapers (2026)

Deadline - Mar 11, 2026

GT reference number - 104800989

Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products

Organization Details:

  Address - Denmark

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104800989

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: SKI conducts technical dialogue, where the market is given the opportunity to provide input to parts of the expected tender material on SKI's upcoming tender of a framework agreement on the supply of diapers. The technical dialogue is co nducted in two rounds: First technical dialogue runs from the 10th to 19 March 2024 (both dates incl.). Second technical dialogue runs from 26 to 31 March 2024 (both dates incl.). For further information, see, where you are constantly informed about, among other things. dates regarding the tender. The range of the framework agreement is expected to include appropriations, cf. section 112 of the Service Act and the child's Act section 9

Gt Ref Id - 104800989

Deadline - Mar 11, 2026

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