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Country - Austria
Summary - 600906 - Lkh Hochsteiermark, Bruck Location Psychiatry Gew 7601 High And Low Voltage Systems
Deadline - Jan 31, 2025
GT reference number - 99942655
Product classification - Electrical wiring and fitting work
Address - Austria
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99942655
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: High and low current installations, lightning protection systems, photovoltaics, light calls, fire protection systems, lights, daylight controllocal title:: 600906 - LKH Hochsteiermark, Standort Bruck Psychiatrie Gew 7601 Stark- und Schw achstromanlagenContract Type: : Workslocal description: : Stark- und Schwachstrominstallationen, Blitzschutzanlagen, Photovoltaik, Lichtruf, Brandschutzanlagen, Leuchten, Tageslichtsteuerung dispatch_date: 2024-12-16 00:00:00 lot_details: 1: 600906 - LKH Hochsteiermark, Bruck location Psychiatry Gew 7601 High and low voltage systems
Gt Ref Id - 99942655
Deadline - Jan 31, 2025
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