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Concrete Curb Stone, Concrete Paving Stone, Sub-Base, Run-Out, Filler Material, Steel Mesh Ready-Mixed Concrete, Corrugated Pipe, Fens Wire, Rubber Granulated Flexible Floor Supply, Transport And Laying And Pouring Molded, Reinforced, Somel Concrete

MERAM BELEDIYESI PARK VE BAHCELER MUDURLUGU Turkey has Released a tender for Concrete Curb Stone, Concrete Paving Stone, Sub-Base, Run-Out, Filler Material, Steel Mesh Ready-Mixed Concrete, Corrugated Pipe, Fens Wire, Rubber Granulated Flexible Floor Supply, Transport And Laying And Pouring Molded, Reinforced, Somel Concrete in Architecture. The tender was released on Mar 02, 2023.

Country - Turkey

Summary - Concrete Curb Stone, Concrete Paving Stone, Sub-Base, Run-Out, Filler Material, Steel Mesh Ready-Mixed Concrete, Corrugated Pipe, Fens Wire, Rubber Granulated Flexible Floor Supply, Transport And Laying And Pouring Molded, Reinforced, Somel Concrete

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 62648312

Product classification - Landscaping work

Organization Details:

  Address - Turkey

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 62648312

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Invitation for Bids: Concrete Curb Stone, Concrete Paving Stone, Sub-Base, Run-Out, Filler Material, Steel Mesh Ready-Mixed Concrete, Corrugated Pipe, Fens Wire, Rubber Granulated Flexible Floor Supply, Transport And Laying And Pouring Molded, Reinfo rced, Somel Concrete Buyer: MERAM BELEDİYESİ PARK VE BAHÇELER MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ Deadline: 2023-03-28

Gt Ref Id - 62648312

Deadline - Mar 28, 2023

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