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907-O090-24/825 Plugs, Switches, Cable Sleeves, Din Rails, Terminal Clamps, Products For Laying Cables And Wires In Pipes, Electrical Insulators, Contactors, Cable Boxes, Trays And Channels, Distribution Boxes, Boxes With

Акционерное общество Уральский электрохимический комбинат Russia has Released a tender for 907-O090-24/825 Plugs, Switches, Cable Sleeves, Din Rails, Terminal Clamps, Products For Laying Cables And Wires In Pipes, Electrical Insulators, Contactors, Cable Boxes, Trays And Channels, Distribution Boxes, Boxes With in Energy, Power and Electrical. The tender was released on Nov 01, 2024.

Country - Russia

Summary - 907-O090-24/825 Plugs, Switches, Cable Sleeves, Din Rails, Terminal Clamps, Products For Laying Cables And Wires In Pipes, Electrical Insulators, Contactors, Cable Boxes, Trays And Channels, Distribution Boxes, Boxes With

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 96841098

Product classification - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting

Organization Details:

  Address - Russia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 96841098

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The right to conclude an agreement on 907-O090-24/825 Plugs, Switches, Cable sleeves, DIN rails, Terminal clamps, Products for laying cables and wires in pipes, Electrical insulators, Contactors, Cable boxes, trays and channels, Distribu tion boxes, Boxes withlocal title:: 907-O090-24/825 Вилки, Выключатели пакетные, Гильзы кабельные, Дин-рейки, Зажимы клеммные, Изделия для прокладки кабелей и проводовв трубах, Изоляторы электротехнические, Контакторы, Короба, лотки и каналы кабельные, Коробки распред

Gt Ref Id - 96841098

Deadline - Nov 29, 2024

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