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Country - Tunisia
Summary - A Framework Deal For The Kebili Region, Concerning The Repair Of Leaks And Fractures, The Maintenance Of Networks And Facilities, And The Completion Of Various Connections And Works In The Regions Of The Kebili Governorate.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 99814976
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Tunisia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99814976
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: REPAIR OF LEAKS AND BREAKAGES AND MAINTENANCE OF NETWORKS AND STRUCTURES AND THE REALIZATION OF CONNECTIONS AND VARIOUS WORKS IN THE DELEGATIONS OF THE GOVERNORATE OF KEBILIlocal title:: صفقة إطارية لإقليم قبلي تخص إصلاح التسربات والكسور وصيانة الشبكات والمنشآت وإنجاز توصيلات وأشغال مختلفة بمناطق ولاية قبلي. earnest_money_deposit: 6000Contract Duration: : 360 يومlocal description: : REPARATION DES FUITES ET DES CASSES ET ENTRETIEN DES RESEAUX ET DES OUVRAGES ET LA REALISTION DES BRANCHEMENTS ET DES TRAVAUX DIVERS DANS LES DELEGATIONS DU GOUVERNORAT DE KEBILI category: أش
Gt Ref Id - 99814976
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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