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A: Sodium Nucinersen (12Mg 5Ml X 1 Bottle/Box) 6 Boxes, B: Idekabutagen Vicleuucel (Per Patient) Set, C: Axycabutagen Sirolucel (Per Patient) Set, D: Chisogen Recruit.

国立大学法人 Japan has Released a tender for A: Sodium Nucinersen (12Mg 5Ml X 1 Bottle/Box) 6 Boxes, B: Idekabutagen Vicleuucel (Per Patient) Set, C: Axycabutagen Sirolucel (Per Patient) Set, D: Chisogen Recruit. in Healthcare and Medicine. The tender was released on Feb 17, 2025.

Country - Japan

Summary - A: Sodium Nucinersen (12Mg 5Ml X 1 Bottle/Box) 6 Boxes, B: Idekabutagen Vicleuucel (Per Patient) Set, C: Axycabutagen Sirolucel (Per Patient) Set, D: Chisogen Recruit.

Deadline - Mar 04, 2025

GT reference number - 103469637

Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products

Organization Details:

  Address - Japan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 103469637

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Bid announcementGeneral competitive bids are included as follows:February 17th, 2025Hamamatsu University of Medicine, National University CorporationDirector Kawamoto Masahiro◎Procurement agency number: 415 ◎Location number: 22○No. 191. Procurement details⑴ Item classification number 4⑵ Purchasing subject and quantityA: Nucinersen Sodium (12mg 5mL x 1 bottle/box) 6 boxesB Idekabutagen Bikleucel (per patient) SetC Axica Butagen Shirolyusel (per patient) SetD. Chisagenrekuruucel (per patient) SetE. Rinevilizumab (Genetic Recombination) (100mg 10mL x 1 bottle, 3 bottles/box) 4 boxes⑶ Characteristics of the procurement subject, etc. according to the bidding instructions.

Gt Ref Id - 103469637

Deadline - Mar 04, 2025

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