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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - About Pk06 + 60 Pk06 + 60 (L = 160.0 Pm) From Pk06 + 60 (L = 160.0 Pm) From Pk06 + 60 (L = 357.0 Pm) From Pk11 + 10 To Pk11 + 10 (L = 357.0 Pm) From Pk07 + 53 (L = 357.0 Pm) From Pk07 + 53 (L = 357.0 Pm) From The Land Of The Karabakh Irrigation Channel
Deadline - Apr 15, 2025
GT reference number - 104879947
Product classification - Concrete work
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104879947
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: About Pk06 + 60 Pk06 + 60 (L = 160.0 Pm) From Pk06 + 60 (L = 160.0 Pm) From Pk06 + 60 (L = 357.0 Pm) From Pk11 + 10 To Pk11 + 10 (L = 357.0 Pm) From Pk07 + 53 (L = 357.0 Pm) From Pk07 + 53 (L = 357.0 Pm) From The Land Of The Karabakh Ir rigation Channellocal title:: Qarabağ Suvarma Kanalının Mingəçevir şəhəri ərazisindən keçən torpaq məcralı hissəsində PK05+00-dan PK06+60-dək (L=160,0 pm) və PK07+53-dən PK11+10-dək (L=357,0 pm), sol sahil yamaclığının (cəmi L=517 lot_details: 1: Establishment of channels and dams with Birchalov excavators with 0.65 (0.5-0.8) M3, Group of Group: 2 (snow-cane drilled), 2: Excavators with 0.5 (0.5-0.63) M3 with the capacity
Gt Ref Id - 104879947
Deadline - Apr 15, 2025
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