Description |
notice_title: Acetone,Laboratory Grade , Ethyl Alcohol 99Dot9 ,Imersion Oil , Qubit Dsdna Quantification Assay Kits ,Activated Charcoal , Bottle Reagent Clear 500Mlglass , Bottle Reagentamber 500Ml Glass , Bottlereagent Clear 1Ltr Glass , Mct 1Dot5Ml Tube Forcentrifuge , Ct 15Ml Tube For Centrifuge , Ct 50Mltube For Centrifuge , Pasteur Pipette 3Ml , Mct0Dpt5Ml Tube For Centrifuge , Micro Tips Filter 110Ul , Micro Tips Filter 1 200Ul , Micro Tips Filter 1001000Ul , Micro Tips With Filter 0Dot210Ul , Microtips With Filter 2 100Ul , Micro Tips With Filter 1001000Ul , Anti Crx Antibody Quantity: 1257 local title:: ACETONE,LABORATORY GRADE , ETHYL ALCOHOL 99DOT9 ,IMERSION OIL , Qubit dsDNA Quantification Assay Kits ,ACTIVATED CHARCOAL , BOTTLE REAGENT CLEAR 500MLGLASS , BOTTLE REAGENTAMBER 500ML GLASS , BOTTLEREAGENT CLEAR 1LTR GLASS , MCT 1DOT5ML TUBE FORCENTRIFUGE , CT 15ML TUBE FOR CENTRIFUGE , CT 50MLTUBE FOR CENTRIFUGE , PASTEUR PIPETTE 3ML , MCT0DPT5ML TUBE FOR CENTRIFUGE , MICRO TIPS FILTER 110UL , MICRO TIPS FILTER 1 200UL , MICRO TIPS FILTER 1001000UL , MICRO TIPS WITH FILTER 0DOT210UL , MICROTIPS WITH FILTER 2 100UL , MICRO TIPS WITH FILTER 1001000UL , Anti CRX antibody Quantity: 1257 tender_quantity: 1257.0