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Country - Chile
Summary - Acquisition And Installation Of 64 Camera Points
Deadline - Jan 08, 2025
GT reference number - 98680234
Product classification - Radio transmission apparatus with reception apparatus
Address - Chile
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98680234
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: These Technical Specifications correspond to the proposal for the supply and installation of a new teleprotection system, consisting of state-of-the-art surveillance cameras equipped with Artificial Intelligence Systems with a variety of functional algorithms to deal with diverse and varied scenarios such as surveillance and control of public spaces.local title:: ADQUISICION E INSTALACIÓN DE 64 PUNTOS DE CÁMARASlocal description: : Las presentes Especificaciones Técnicas corresponden a la propuesta de suministro e instalación de un nuevo sistema de teleprotección, compuesto por cámaras de televigilancia con tecnología de punta dotadas con Sistemas de Inteligencia Artifici
Gt Ref Id - 98680234
Deadline - Jan 08, 2025
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