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Country - Tunisia
Summary - Acquisition of chlorine dosing pumps, Alumina sulfate and polyelectrolyte for the Harkoussia reservoirs and filtration station at the DPS and supply of submersible pumps for the SP4, SS3 and Ezzouhour pumping stations
Deadline - Jul 02, 2025
GT reference number - 104635070
Product classification - Water-treatment chemicals
Address - Tunisia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104635070
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: "Acquisition of chlorine dosing pumps,Alumina sulfate and polyelectrolyte for theHarkoussia reservoirs and filtration station at theDPS and supply of submersible pumps for theSP4, SS3 and Ezzouhour pumping stations"local title:: Acquisit ion de pompes doseuses de chlore,Sulfate d'alumine et du polyélectrolite pour lesréservoirs et la station filtration Harkoussia à laDPS et fourniture de pompes submersibles pourles stations de pompages SP4, SS3 et EzzouhourContract Type: : Supply
Gt Ref Id - 104635070
Deadline - Jul 02, 2025
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