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Add SCADA Hotline connection port to connect new substations and power plants to the OSI SCADA system at A1

CHI NHANH CONG TY TRACH NHIỆM HỮU HẠN MỘT THANH VIEN VẬN HANH HỆ THỐNG DIỆN VA THỊ TRƯỜNG DIỆN QUỐC GIA - TRUNG TAM DIỀU DỘ HỆ THỐNG DIỆN MIỀN BẮC Vietnam has Released a tender for Add SCADA Hotline connection port to connect new substations and power plants to the OSI SCADA system at A1 in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Oct 14, 2024.

Country - Vietnam

Summary - Add SCADA Hotline connection port to connect new substations and power plants to the OSI SCADA system at A1

Deadline - Oct 11, 2025

GT reference number - 95437012

Product classification - Substation construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - Vietnam

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 95437012

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Add SCADA Hotline connection port to connect new substations and power plants to the OSI SCADA system at A1notice_title: Add SCADA Hotline connection port to connect new substations and power plants to the OSI SCADA system at A1local tit le:: Bổ sung cổng kết nối SCADA Hotline kết nối các TBA, NMĐ mới vào hệ thống SCADA OSI tại A1

Gt Ref Id - 95437012

Deadline - Oct 11, 2025

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