Most trusted source for Tendering Opportunities and Business Intelligence since 2002
Country - France
Summary - Analysis Of The Low Carbon Label, The Natural Compensation Site And Other Tools For Mobilizing Private Funds In Biodiversity Restoration Projects - Case Study: The Project To Reopen The Rove Tunnel To Marine Currents
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97434558
Product classification - Environmental engineering consultancy services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97434558
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The consultation is launched in the form of an open call for tenders in accordance with Articles R2161-2 to R2161-5 of the Public Procurement Code (CCP).The contract is at a global and fixed price.The services will be the subject of a si ngle contract.In application of Article L2113-11 of the Public Procurement Code, the choice not to divide this contract into lots is justified by the following reason(s): the devolution into separate lots is likely to make the execution of the services technically difficult or financially more expensive. Indeed, phase 1, which is possibly detachable from phases 2 and 3, which are inseparable, represents a minor part in engineering compared to pha
Gt Ref Id - 97434558
Deadline - Nov 19, 2024
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