Description |
notice_title: Angle Holder , Batten Holder , Bed Switch , Bulk Head fitting Model No LHKL01160099 of Havells with CFL 08 watt , Cable PVC aluminium twin core circular type 10 Sqmm 2 core , Casing caping double locked box type 20mm x 1800mm long , Casing caping double locked box type 32mm x 1800mm long , Change Over 100 AMP 4 Pole , Change Over 200 AMP 4 Pole , Change Over Switch 32 Amp 2 Pole , Change Over Switch 63 Amp 4 Pole , Extension Cord 6 Oblique16 AMP , Flexible Wire copper conductor , Gang Box 1 way 1 switches 5 Oblique 6 Amps with ISI mark , Gang Box 2 way 2 switches 5 Amps with ISI mark , Gang Box 4 way 4 switches 5 Oblique 6 Amps , Gang Box 6 way 6 switches 5 Amps with ISI mark , Gang Box 8 way , GI wire for Earthing , Iron Cutter Blade 4 Inch , LED Bulb 7 Oblique 8W , LED bulb 15 Watt , LED Bulb 20W , LED Bulb 28W , LED Bulk Head Fittings 10W , LED Bulk Head Fittings 14W , LED Flood and outdoor lights SSK-BLN-100W , LED Invertor rechargable Bulb 10 Watt with ISI mark. , LED Invertor rechargable tube light fitting1x20 watt complete with all accessories , LED Tube light fitting 1 x 9W oblique10W 2 feet long complete with all accessories , LED tube light fitting1x20 watt complete with all accessories , MCB 10 AMP , MCB 16 Amp , MCB 32 Amp , MCB 40 Amp , MCB 6 AMP , MCB Distribution box 12 way double door SPN 240 volts copper bus bar , MCB Distribution box 6 way double door SPN 240 volts copper bus bar , MCB Distribution box 8 way double door SPN 240 volts copper bus bar , MCB DP 32 Amp , MCB DP 40 Amp , MCB DP 63 Amp , MCB TPN 63 Amp , Mirror LED Light 11W , MS Screw full threaded 20mm 100pcs , MS Screw full threaded 25mm 100 pcs , Pendent Holder , Piano type Switch 6 Amp , Plastic Body Exhaust Fan 200mm sweep with louvers , Plug top 3 Pin 16 Amp , Plug top 3 Pin 6 Amp , PVC Cable 4 sqmm 2 core copper , PVC Cable 6 sqmm 2 Core copper , PVC casing capnig T 25mm dia , PVC casing capnig L Bend 25mm dia , PVC casing capnig square box 4 Inch x 4 Inch , PVC Ceil |