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Country - Finland
Summary - Annual Maintenance Of The Organ
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 96667201
Product classification - Repair and maintenance services
Address - Finland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 96667201
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Tampere ev.lut. The real estate services of the parish association are requesting your offer for the organannual maintenance.The annual maintenance of the organ covers one of the measures according to the annual maintenance programor twi ce a year according to the attached maintenance program. To Tamperethe parish association has a total of 23 organs, of which the maintenance work for 22 is part of this call for tenderstarget. In the request for offers, the instruments are divided into three groups. Offers are madefrom each group separately. One, two or all three groups can make an offerinstrument maintenance.Work, travel, daily allowance, groceries and accommodation expenses are
Gt Ref Id - 96667201
Deadline - Nov 20, 2024
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