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Country - Netherlands
Summary - Asphalt And Concrete Pavements 2025-2026
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 93846489
Product classification - Road-maintenance works
Address - Netherlands
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 93846489
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The municipality manages approximately 1,050,000 m2 of asphalt pavement and approximately 33,000 m2 of concrete pavement. Experience shows that approximately 50,000 m2 of this must be maintained annually. The current contract expires at the end of December, and a new tender must be issued. See the specifications.notice_title: Asphalt And Concrete Pavements 2025-2026Contract Type: : Workslocal description: : De gemeente heeft circa 1.050.000 m2 asfaltverharding en ca. 33.000 m2 betonverharding in beheer. Ervaring leert dat hiervan jaarlijks circa 50.000 m2 moet worden onderhouden. Het huidige contract loopt per eind december af, er moet opnieuw aanbesteed worden. Zie het bestek.l
Gt Ref Id - 93846489
Deadline - Oct 06, 2024
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