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Automatic Sorting Solution

Stichting Probiblio Netherlands has Released a tender for Automatic Sorting Solution in Industry. The tender was released on Nov 11, 2024.

Country - Netherlands

Summary - Automatic Sorting Solution

Deadline - Nov 11, 2025

GT reference number - 97376322

Product classification - Sorters

Organization Details:

  Address - Netherlands

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 97376322

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Probiblio intends to conduct a tender in January 2025 for the purchase of an automatic sorting solution for sorting books and boxes with books.In preparation for the tender, Probiblio wants to consult the market. After all, you are an ex pert in the field of automatic sorting solutions. In the market consultation, we ask market parties for information that can help us with the elaboration of the tender. And thus contribute to the quality of the tender. With this market consultation, we hope to obtain information and gain insights that we can use in the tender to contract the most suitable solution. If you are interested and think you can make a contribution, you are cordially inv

Gt Ref Id - 97376322

Deadline - Nov 11, 2025

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