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Band 5*10 Sterile. Gauze, Cotton Wool 50 G N/S (Zig-Zag)

НАВЧАЛЬНО-ВИХОВНИЙ КОМПЛЕКС ЛИСОВИЦЬКА СЕРЕДНЯ ЗАГАЛЬНООСВІТНЯ ШКОЛА I-III СТУПЕНІВ-ЛІЦЕЙ Ukraine has Released a tender for Band 5*10 Sterile. Gauze, Cotton Wool 50 G N/S (Zig-Zag) in Healthcare Equipment and Services. The tender was released on Mar 11, 2025.

Country - Ukraine

Summary - Band 5*10 Sterile. Gauze, Cotton Wool 50 G N/S (Zig-Zag)

Deadline - Mar 11, 2026

GT reference number - 104828622

Product classification - Medical consumables

Organization Details:

  Address - Ukraine

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104828622

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Cotton wool 50 g n/s (zig-zag) bandage 5*10 sterile. gauzelocal title:: БИНТ 5*10 стерил. марлевий, ВАТА 50 г н/с (зиг-заг)local description: : ВАТА 50 г н/с (зиг-заг) БИНТ 5*10 стери . марлевийGross Budget LC: : 4002.0 tender_quantity: 2 пачка est_amount: 4002.0

Gt Ref Id - 104828622

Deadline - Mar 11, 2026

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